Chapter 188: Mid-Boss - The Kailesid II

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The [Kailesid] came rushing at me with incredible speed. Bringing my knife to the ready I was able to glance the blow away from me while moving away.

However, the spirit quickly turned and ripped into me with its claws. The attack took a small amount of health. Blow by blow I was able to either block, dodge or roll away giving Xuelian enough time to get up and recover her health.

From the corner of my eye, I could see her dash in right behind me.

Guarding against the [Kailesid's] attack I then parried throwing its arms wide open for a counterattack. Jumping back, I moved away for Xuelian to attack.

It's arms were throw open, but suddenly it began to breathe deeply, seconds later it let out a cry that carried enough force to throw us both to the ground.

Before we had a chance to recover the [Kailesid] was already bearing down on us. We both quickly got to our feet and back stepped in time to dodge the next attack.

I switched to my bow and shot arrow after arrow to draw the spirit. That is when Xuelian began to make her move.

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