Chapter 173: Plan of Action

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I turned back around to Cyrus. What he said caught my attention.

"Wait, what do you mean there will be more than one tournament?"

With a laugh Cyrus said, "you'll see."

Great he was being secretive again, though if this were correct, could we expect a singles, doubles even team tournament. Running multiple types of tournaments seemed like something that would have a much wider appeal than just one type of tournament.

If that's true, then the two of us could participate together.

I walked out the door and called to Xuelian.

"Hey Xuelian, wait up."

She turned around and smiled at me. There it was again that smile. That sweet smile that she would show me from time to time.

"So Xuelian, Cyrus just mentioned that there may be more than what type of tournament running at once."

"Huh, what does that mean?" she titled her head; cutely

"Not sure but my best guess is there could be a doubles tournament even a team-based tournament."

"Hmm I see, that sounds interesting. For now, you want to get something to eat. I want to look over the guidebook and plan our next move."

"Sure," I replied.

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