Chapter 55: Waiting

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The two of us walked out of the building, sitting on a nearby bench we discussed our plans on how to tackle the event.

"I see so you plan to explore and map out the area and you're going to upgrade your gear. I see yeah that does sound like a solid plan."

"As of right now we have no way of leveling up, it's best to just take this slow and cautiously rather than trying to power through."

"I see, don't let me hold you back, for now I'm gonna wait till my gear is upgraded before I set out. Give me a heads up if you find anything out there."

"Sure." Xuelian replied with a faint smile.

"Stay safe, we don't know what's out there."

With that Xuelian walked off, I saw her walk into the building for a few moments, before walking out, she then took off, heading into forest wearing her new gear.

The only thing I could do now was just wait.

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