Chapter 159: A Game Changer

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Sinel paused for a moment before continuing.

"This guidebook will contain useful information for everyone."

Sinel continued on, saying that the guidebook would have map data, item, and equipment locations; information on monsters; player contact information, and other extremely useful information.

"One of the goals I'm hoping to... we're hoping to do is eliminate information brokering. Information dealers who take advantage of lack of available information," Sinel took a breath trying calm himself.

I looked around to see if Cyrus was nearby. He needed to hear that.

"M-more importantly we want to reduce the circulation of misinformation, rumors, and the like. N-no information will be published without being confirmed or without s-substantial proof. Lastly the most important information about this forum is that due to the mechanics of the system, physical copies of the forum can be made," Sinel then took out a book and held it up to the audience.

"It can be given out to anyone. Any edits and their date stamp will immediately be shown in all copies in circulation. T-this means at all times you will have an up-to-date version of the guidebook."

This is amazing an in-game forum can change the way we play entirely.

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