Chapter 114: Fetch Quest XI

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Xuelian walked over and picked the sword off of the ground. She then turned to me handing the sword.

The way she handed me the sword; It was as if she acknowledged me.

I took the sword in hand, I looked up at her and was greeted with a warm smile. It was a cute smile. I think I felt my body start to warm up.

On the way back we made small talk. I asked her about what she meant by imitating «Artes».

Xuelian replied saying she found that by imitating the special attacks, «Artes» she could increase the damage she was doing against monsters.

Though the damage increase was minor, a few extra points of damage could be the difference between killing an enemy or being killed.

In this game how you attack could matter just as much as your build. Someone with martial arts training or military training often had better results in fights then someone who didn't. So, it wasn't too far of a stretch to say imitating certain special attacks would increase the damage dealt.

The two of us continued to chat until we made our way back to the town, where we greeted Holly.

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