Chapter 196: Boss - Kulu of the Pyre Forest

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Below the name of the boss, it's health bar appeared.

However, something else concerned me; I noticed my insight had increased by five points.

Without warning [Kulu] spring to action running at us. We dodged bringing our weapons to the ready. [Kulu] eyed me and dashed toward me. Throwing a four-combo attack using it's claws. The final swipe struck me, due to a delay in its attack.

I fell on my back.

Roughly fifteen percent of my health was gone.

I recovered quickly, dodging a slam to the ground with its fists.

Gaining some distance, I switched to my bow, as Xuelian came up behind the boss and struck it with a three-hit combo.

I loosed three arrows in quick succession, each hitting their mark.

Xuelian ran up trying to launch another hit. At that moment, the boss jumped backwards and raised its hands to the sky, chanting something that sounded like grunting.

A weird ethereal energy rose up from the ground around us. This mist-like energy swirled around the boss.

We backed away from the boss, unsure of what it would do next.

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