Chapter 176: Leveling Quotas

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Xuelian was proposing that we spend the next two weeks in preparation to head to the frontier and search for the boss.

If the map data gave any indication of how far other players had progressed, then it could be safe to assume they were fairly high leveled.

"Tsubasa my thought is that we should spend the next week out in forest hunting, then come back to class up then head out for another week to class up again after that."

"Wait so you want to make it to a [tier 3] class in two weeks?"

Xuelian replied, "Yes!"

"Well, that's ambitious," I replied with a smile.

She smiled at my comment.

To make it from [tier 1] to a [tier 3] in such a short amount of time. Our work would be cut out for us.

Based on the tier of classes, you could get a basis of the power of the class. «Artes», «Skills», «stats» even the max levels depended on the tier of the class. A [tier 3] class are among the best classes in the game.

"Tsubasa, tomorrow we should spend the day, preparing."

"Do you mean buying camping gear?"


"Thought so."

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