Chapter 125: Tip the Blade

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"Now then, this is the final test for a class change. You'll have three minutes to reduce my «health» to one quarter. If you step outside of this circle, you'll be disqualified. You can any tools to your advantage. Are you ready to begin?"

Xuelian replied yes, Alexander materialized a straight sword in his hand, then took a ready stance.

Likewise, Xuelian brought out her spear and shield, and brought it to the ready.

A count down prompt appeared in between Xuelian and Alexander starting at twenty-five seconds. The countdown ticked away.

I could feel Xuelian's intense focus.

Her breathing slowed.

Her muscles flexed.

Her grip on her weapons tightened.

{Three... two... one, start!}

Xuelian dashed in, Alexander followed suit. She maneuvered behind him striking with her shield. Alexander blocked. Xuelian thrusted with her spear, the tip of her spear clipped Alexander.

She then backed away to gain some distance. She repeated this strategy for a while, knocking Alexander off balance then following up with a small hit then backing away.

At a half «health» Alexander's switch flipped. His body posture changed coming off as more aggressive.

Soon after it was Xuelian's time to be on the defensive.

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