Chapter 110: Fetch Quest VII

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I glared at Cyrus who insinuated charging money for information for completing a quest.

"You can't be serious."

"That I am" he said with a nod and a warm smile.

"You're a con-artist."

"I take it you don't believe me; well I'll give you a hint; there's no way to take down that Kobold with just a plain old throwing knife."

Cyrus smiled at me, his confident attitude wasn't annoying, but it was certainly uncomfortable.

It wasn't unbelievable that he had the information, in fact he most likely got the information from more advanced players, but he had decided to make the best use of the information; to turn a profit.

"So, what will it be."

I thought it over relatively quickly, "Fine, how much?"

"Ten «qiu», from each of you that's my standard for a [common] rarity quest."

Each quest could be divided into different rarities based on difficulty and possible reward: [common], [uncommon], [rare], [fabled], [legendary], [mythic], and [ancient] tier.

Xuelian and I pulled up our menus and transferred over the money.

With a smile on his face, Cyrus told us the secret.

"Paralyzing and poisoned throwing knives that's what you need."

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