Chapter 136: Getting into a New Swing

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"Oh, that's right, we hadn't set a time... so, what's the plan for the day?"

"We should eat, then head out; I really want to test out my class."

"Yeah, sounds good. Let's eat then head out."

After a small breakfast we went out into the forest. It was apparent quickly that because of the drop in level and our new class that our teamwork was a mess.

Many times, we ended up with close calls.

I had a tough time accurately hitting my target and sometimes completely missing. It became difficult trying to assist Xuelian in fights. Sometimes I ended up getting surrounded making it difficult to hold my position.

Xuelian on the other hand seemed to struggle holding «aggro» and dealing enough damage to kill enemies.

By the end of the day, we were exhausted mentally and physically.

"Well, that was rough. It seems that our teamwork needs a bit of work."

"It's only been the first day since changed classes Tsubasa. It will be fine."

"Yeah, you're right."

"And level up, We'll be fine." Xuelian said with a smile, patting me on the shoulder as she passed me.

"Yeah," I replied indulging that soft touch.

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