Chapter 119: Wailing Howls

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We left the building and headed into the forest. I wasn't long until we came across group of [kobolds]. Between the two of us we took out the ten [kobolds] in a matter of minutes.

The game made a point to give us same quest item for the monster the other killed so between the two of us we killed five each.

When it came to hunting for the [black dog] it was another story we searched all day and well into the night trying to find it.

"Xuelian, I have no idea where this thing is. Do you want to come back tomorrow?"

"Let's keep looking for just a bit longer. I think I remember something about it being a ghost dog that appears at night."

"You think it will appear?"

"Well, the moons are out, so if it doesn't appear now then I'm not sure when it will appear?"

I looked up overhead to see two moons sitting gorgeously in the night sky.

"Alright then," I replied.

We continued to search for an hour more, then as if the devil himself came to answer our prayers a loud howl that turned our blood cold, pierced our ears.

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