Chapter 177: Tiering Groups

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Xuelian's proposal to make it from a [tier 1] class to a [tier 3] in two weeks was certainly gutsy but doable.

For each class, their tier determined the maximum level of that class.

Starting from the lowest tier; [tier 0] the [neophyte] had a maximum level of 10, next was [tier 1] such as the [swordsman] with a maximum level of 15, after that was [tier 2] the example being the [knight] with a maximum level of 25, lastly was [tier 3] an example being the [paladin] that had the maximum level of 50.

In reality, the maximum level is actually 100, however, a [tier 3] Class and a special item are required to go beyond the level cap of 50 for that class and was typically only used by players who wanted to participate in «end-game content».

In addition, beyond the three tiers there was another set of class tiering.

This tier was called, the basic or standard class tiers; basic classes tiers, are the classes that players can access when right away after making a new character. The [knight] for example abbreviated as [tier 2T], with the [T] meaning trio or the trio tiered grouping.

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