Chapter 135: Opening Up IV

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"After playing «M.A.O.» for a while and learning about the «NervSy2nc» I started wondering if I became a doctor, how I could make the world better with this technology."

"That's an amazing thought, Tsubasa."

Xuelian started smiling at me again. I couldn't help but smile back.


"Maybe I'll end up working at your family's hospital after I graduate?"

"Huh," her statement caught me off guard, "Yeah maybe?"

We continued to talk for a bit longer, until we decided it was best to get some sleep. With a wave and a bid goodnight we parted.

The next morning came relatively quickly. I was greeted by the chime of a {new message}.

It was from Xuelian she was down in the lobby waiting for me.

Never before did I get dressed so quickly. I rushed down the stairs. I saw Xuelian sitting in the bar, sipping on a cup of what I assumed to be either be coffee or tea.

"Good morning Tsubasa, did you sleep well?"

"No not really, I was too excited to really sleep."

"Xuelian, for being late!"

"Why are you sorry, we didn't set a time to meet up?" she asked with a smile.

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