Chapter 151: Meeting of the Minds

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The next hour passed relatively quickly, as Xuelian and I chatted away. As we waiting for the meeting to start players continued to straggle in.

Soon after among the crowd, some players stood up; the broadcasters. Bringing out their crystals they left them floating in the air, they gave off no light and a slight static noise.

Then in the center of the area a ring of crystals lit up the area, their light bright enough to illuminate the entire stage.

Within the center of this ring was seven players. None other than the seven speakers. Seven of the strongest players in the game.

In a loud voice Cazimiro introduced himself, followed by Ye-Suel then Saiko, Xiyang, Griffith and Mahika. Lastly Arthorias spoke.

"Hello players, welcome. I am Arthorias, you may know me from my guild, Lion's Fang. I am please that you all could make it here.

There are many of you who are confused, afraid. We seven have gathered here to discuss with you the many things that have concerned us and the many things we have discovered in light of these circumstances.

Please with an open mind and attentive ears, hear what we have to say.

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