Chapter 82: A Million Questions

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Suddenly I found myself surrounded by players. Each of them asking me questions. Well less like asking and more like demanding, even yelling at me.

"How did you do it!?"

"Is there some sort of secret!?"

"What's that crystal in your hand; where did you get it!?"

"Is the leveling system the same as before!?"

It was an endless barrage of questions. I couldn't get a word out. I was surrounded. No way out.

Except one.

I pushed one of the players aside. I turned and ran through the fountain. I ran straight into the wilds.

I had to escape. I couldn't breathe, they were all so annoying. Can't they figure it out for themselves?

I waited out in the wilds for about twenty minutes hoping the crowd would die down soon. During the time I just hunted monsters trying to get enough gems to level up again.

How much your stats improved every level depended on your race, and class. Every level increased health, stamina, and mana resistance by a set amount.

Every two levels the stats controlled by my race improved. Since I was a neophyte the stats governed by my class improved every five levels.

"I should be okay now?"

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