Chapter 90: Special - Despair

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~This life full of twists and turns. Paths with no end in sight, roads that too soon stop. In this life we must forge a path of our own volition, and when one path ends, we must make another.~

"I'm sorry to say that we can no longer keep the servers going. We're cutting the funding from your department to prepare for closure of the company."

"You've got to be joking. You can't close the servers. I need them to stay open, for my wife and my child. Please!"

"I'm sorry. We've lost most of our funding for research."

"What am I to do. I need this company; my family needs this company. My child's life depends on it."

"I'm truly sorry."


"...Listen, how about this. I'll turn the company over to you. You can do with it what you will."

"You're not joking, are sir?"

"I'm not, I'm retiring. I'm leaving the company in your hands. Good luck to you and your family."

"Thank you, sir."

~Life marches on and we too must March with it. Till the day that the night comes we must keep walking, ever onward.~

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