Chapter 105: Fetch Quest III

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Xuelian and I looked scanned around the area for a sword for a little while, but to no avail we couldn't find it.

"Tsubasa... Do you see it?"

"No, nothing."

We came over a small hill west of where we entered. The snow like specks of light still falling from the sky.

"Wait Tsubasa, what's that all the way on the other end passed the trees?"

I scanned in front of me, trying to make out what Xuelian saw. Even though this was a game the Fangoul within the game had superior sight and hearing augmented by the game's code.

Though sure enough far out there was some small, diminutive creature. In its hand was a weapon much too large for it.

"Not sure let's get a closer look."

"Alright, let's go."

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