Chapter 132: Opening Up

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Xuelian and I went to a nearby restaurant and celebrated our victory till late at night.

"So Xuelian what class did you choose?"

"[Fighter], what about you; what class did you choose?"

"[Archer], So now we have a long range and close combat. Interesting team dynamic we have here"

"Yeah, I think it will be good."

"Yeah, same here. Tomorrow will be an uphill battle, we start from level one again."

"Yeah, but we'll get stronger in not time."

"So, Xuelian?"


"You said earlier that you were good at reading others, what did you mean by that?"

"Oh that, it's a talent of mine I picked up I can pretty much guess at how other respond in a fight or challenge. Fighter's instinct I guess you could call it?"

"Fighter's instinct?"

"Yeah, back in the real world I'm a martial artist."

"Wow really that's cool, what do you know"

"I have fourteen years of training in Tai Chi, five years in wing Chun, three years in Hapkido, with some training in Pankration, Vajra-mushti and Capoeira"

"Wow that's um, very impressive. Really impressive. Um, I'm not sure what that means though."

Xuelian giggled, "you're wondering about my color belt."

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