Chapter 191: Insightful II

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«Insight» and «insanity» are two «stats» that are closely linked.

«Insight» is gained when a player perceives something otherworldly and maxes out after 100 points.

«Insanity» on the other hand is a meter that fills up based on the amount of «insight» a player has. «Insanity» comes into play when the player witnesses something that is disturbing or unsettling.

«Insanity» maxes at 200 points and at 100 causes the player to take twenty-five percent of their maximum «HP» as damage. «Insanity» can be reduced by using potions and items that take away both «insight» and or «insanity» or by killing monsters. When the insanity meter reaches 100 it cannot be reduced below 50 points except by visiting a cleric.

Having «Insanity» above 100 causes the player to receive a negative status condition that reduces the player's stats such as: «health», «stamina», «mana reservoirs», and «strength» by ten percent, and fifteen percent at 150.

As a side effect there is a unique relation between «insight» and «insanity»; if are both stats are above 108 the players vision will slowly grow darker and the player will begin to experience auditory and visual hallucinations that are both disquieting and mesmerizing.

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