Chapter 129: Progression

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A menu opened up; it listed the classes I could change to.

{Please choose which class you wish to change to.}

                        --> [Swordsman]

                        --> [Magus]

                        --> [Protector]

[Neophyte] --> [Druid]

                        --> [Thief]

                        --> [Archer]

The class I wanted was the last one, The Archer class. The long-range bow and knife welding class that wore light armor.

Clicking on the class. On my character profile my class changed from [Neophyte] to [Archer]. My level dropped from ten to one.

Along with a class change I received a set of basic light armor and a menu appeared asking me to choose between two starting weapons for the class.

{Please choose one of the following}

{Short bow} or {Long bow}

I chose the shorter, lighter, and faster firing [short bow]. This starting bow was a e made of a light wood that only required «E» level weapon proficiency.

Weapon proficiencies was a sub-stat that limited what weapons a player could use. Proficiency was listed as a letter from «E to S then M». To increase proficiency, one only needed to kill monsters. Proficiencies was meant to prevent player from using too strong of gear early on.

I turned to Xuelian and gave her a thumps up.

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