Chapter 174: Left Behind

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After the brief conversation with Cyrus, we went to get something eat. For most of the meal we hardly said a word as we were too preoccupied reading through the guidebook.

After about an hour and a half we both put down the book.

"Tsubasa what do you think of it?" Xuelian asked.

"It's all really good information. Though I'm surprised at how much of the map has been completed and how much data has been collected in such a short amount of time," I replied still skimming through

"Yeah, same, it lists monster info, location, item drops and chance; chests and what items are in them and even dungeon locations."

"Yeah, it's all really good information, the only thing that hasn't been found is the boss," I added.

"...," Xuelian suddenly became quiet.

It's seemed like Xuelian wanted to say something, she was hesitant. She is a bit on the quiet side, so it didn't surprise me.

"Xuelian what is it?"

"...Tsubasa I think we should aim to find the boss first...," she said quietly.


"...I, I Don't want to be left behind...," she answered in a louder voice.

Oh, I forgot, despite being quiet, she's competitive.

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