Chapter 124: Rock, Paper, Scissors

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"Tsubasa, I am going first," she repeated with that same enthusiasm

"No way."

"Lady's first you know," she replied smugly.

"Not a chance, we're both gamers, you know what comes next right?"

We both stared at each other, placing our hands behind our backs.

"Three, two, one!" we shouted.

We threw out our hands. Xuelian threw out rock, and I threw out paper.

"Yes!" I shouted

"You know it's two out of three, right?"


That was where my luck ended. The following was her rock vs my scissors, lastly her scissors vs my paper.

"Like said, I'm going first," she said even more smugly.

"What, how?"

"I'm pretty good at reading people," Xuelian replied with a smile and a wink.

"Well go right ahead, good luck."

I checked Xuelian's name to take the test first. Alexander snapped his fingers a wide circle appeared on the ground. A white light radiated upward from the circle signifying the combat area.

"Alright, now then challenger please step forward, all other party member please step out of the circle."

I stepped out and walked over and leaned up against the wall.

"Nowthen challenger, are you ready to start?"

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