Chapter 178: Tiering Groups II

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Within [M.A.O.], there were basic classes that all players had access to and could choose to pick up through leveling up and class advancement.

However, there were many classes that needed to be unlocked, either through completing special quests that were found in the game or by completing special events.

These classes are divided into two other tiers: dual and single class tiers.

Examples of the dual tier class were my own previous class the [Binary Magus] that advanced from the [Technomancer], these classes would be the equivalent in terms of power to a [tier 2] and [tier 3] class respectively, each abbreviated as [2D] and [3D] tier. Each class had a maximum level of 25 and 50, respectively.

An example of a single tier class was the perspective fairy classes that would have been gained at the end of this event or another example being Xuelian's previous class [Spartan] which is considered to be a [Tier 3] class abbreviated as [3S tier]. The maximum level for these classes were level 50.

This was the system that the game used when it came to each and every class.

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