chapter 32: the big day

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April 16th the day of the wedding I notice as I am waking up from a good nights sleep. Once I get out of bed I head to the restroom, so that I could take a shower and brush my teeth. As I am finishing up in there I hear my phone ring, so I rush to go answer it. When I pick it up it's my niggas saying they are on their way in the limo.

After I get off the phone I go wake up my boys so I could get them dressed and ready. Once I dress them in their nice tucks I bring them in my room and sit them on the bed while I get ready. While they are sitting there I put on my clean white tucks along with my gold shoes, tie, cover bun, and lastly my jewelry. As I am putting on my necklace I hear a knock at the door, so I get my boys and go answer it.

"Hey L.J you ready? Today's the big day playa no turning back now!" L.T says as he walks through the door. Once he gets in I put my kids down and dap him up. After I dap him up I ask him where B.D is, but just before he could answer he walks up the stairs saying "what are yall waiting for? Lets get this show on the road! Oh and hand me the kids, I'm taking care of them for awhile." After I hand him the kids we head down stairs to the limo. Once we are all in we head to the church.

When we arrive at the church I see a grip of cars in the parking lot, but since I was running a little late I tell the driver not to park and to just drop us off in front of the church. Once he dropped us off I rush in there as quick as possible and get set up in my position so that we could get this thing started. After about fifteen minutes I hear the music come on as people begin to walk down the isle. Once everyone walks own and stood in their spots I see the flower girl come down. After the flower girl came down everyone rose to their feet and the brides music begins to play in the background. Next thing you know I see B.D walking the most beautiful women in the world down the isle.

When she approaches me I am sweating like a Hebrew slave as I remove her vale from her face. Once I did that I smile and wipe a tear away from her cheek before turning toward the preacher. While we are holding one another's hand the preacher begin to speak. The whole time while he is talking I can't remember one time when I was paying attention. I guess I was distracted by LaNisha's beauty because I kept glancing her way the entire time. The only time I heard the preacher was when he asked us if we would like to recite any vowels. That's when I go ahead and take a sheet of paper out. As I am unfolding the paper I turn toward her and begin to read "LaNisha I am truly a lucky man to have you in my life. You are sweet, comforting, caring, and loving. I am glad God picked me to be your man and the father of your kids. I just want to say thank you for putting up with my craziness and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and I." After I read my vowels she begins to shed a few tears, so I wipe the tears away from her face as we turn back toward the preacher. Seconds later the preacher tells us to present each other with the rings. After we place the rings on each others finger the preacher says "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." From that point on I didn't know her as my girl, I know her as my wife LaNisha Willson.

The wedding was finally over and a few people stayed to take pictures with us, but the others went ahead to the Ronald Jackson Center, which is where the reception is being held. After about twenty minutes of taking pictures with family and friends we head to the reception. When we get there we all end up having a great time. It was the first party that I have been to since I've been out of jail that hasn't been shot up. To be honest I was just happy to have a good time with the people I love. Now I just cannot wait until the honeymoon!

The reception lasted a good six hours before everyone decided to start heading home. Since B.D was keeping the kids for awhile I had a little something planned for the both of us. Once everyone has left we get in our wedding limo and head to the nicest hotel in town, so that we could start our night. When we get checked in and receive our keys we head up stairs to our masters suite. Before we enter I tell her to cover her eyes and not to peak. As we are walking in she begins to get impatient and starts to ask me what's going on. After I make sure everything is in its right place I tell her she can look and as she opens her eyes she was in total shock. You can tell right off the back she loved it. I pretty much went all out for her because I had the room decked out and filled with roses. After she looks around I tell her to go to the bathroom and get comfortable.

While she was in the back getting ready I go ahead and take off my tucks. Then I go to the kitchen, so that I could get the wine and chocolate strawberries. After I do that I hear my baby call my name, so I walk in the room and when I look on the bed I see LaNisha laying there looking sexy as ever. She had on some Victoria Secret lingerie and when I say it looked good, boy did it look good! When I see her all I could do was drop everything in my hands and head toward the bed. As I approach the bed I crawl on top of her, kissing, and caressing every inch of her body. As I reach her waist I remove her thong nice and slow. Then I ease my way to the top to unhook her bra. Once the clothes were off there was no holding me back. I made love to her like there was no tomorrow, but since this was a special night I took it nice and slow so that the moment could last as long as possible.

While I am on top of her she begins to caress my back and kiss my neck. Then she begins to moan and scream my name as I slowly go deep inside of her. As the moment begins to get real intense she whispers in my ear "baby I love you". That's when I stop for about two second look at her in the eyes and say it back right before kissing her on the lips. As I am going back to giving her the business reality struck me like a sack of bricks and I finally realize I have to get myself together for my family. After a good hour or two goes by we finally begin to slow it down. Once we stop we lay in each others arms hugging and kissing one anther until we both fall asleep.

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