chapter 36: body countdown

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Five weeks go by and we haven't made a move yet, simply because we want to get them when they least expect it. Now for a few days word on the streets has been real quiet, but I have heard from a little birdy that the Latin Kings and Kings Boyz are rolling together. This makes things a little more clear because I didn't know why Mr. Valdez called me out the night of J-Rocks death.

After clearing my head for a while I decide to go ahead and get out of bed. Since my girl was still sleeping I go and check on my boys. Once I realize that they are awake I grab them and walk them into the din so that they could watch cartoons and eat. While I am feeding my boys the phone rings and when I answer it my homie DeRay is on the other end. He tells me to meet up at L.T's house around three o'clock. Since is going on two I go put the boys in there play pin while I go take a shower.

As I am getting out of the shower my girl is in the room getting dressed, so I ask her where she is going. That's when she says her and NaTonya are going over Tina's to meet her new boyfriend. After she says that I go ahead and ask if she could take the kids with her today. When she says yes I give her a hug and a kiss before I finish getting dressed.

Once I get dressed about twenty minutes later NaTonya comes by to pick up LaNisha and the kids. Since I was through getting dressed I go ahead and walk them to the car and give my girl and kids a kiss bye before they drive off. Once they drive off I get in my car and my cell begins to ring. When I answer it DaShanae is on the other end so I ask her what she wants. When she says she just wants to talk I tell her I'm busy and hang up the phone in her face.

When I hang up the phone I start up the car and head over to L.T's house. As I am driving I glance at my rear view mirror and notice a blue Cadillac tailing me from behind, but I decide to pay no mind to it until I stop at a red light. While we are stopped at this red light they pull up on the left side of me, so I look over and see DaSean, Nine, and a few others. When I notice them I clench the stirring wheel and turn back towards the front and next thing you know Nine pulls out a gun, so I automatically think that's it for me. So I sit back in my seat and begin to break a sweat. Once they notice I am scared they laugh at me and drive off. When they drive off I take a deep breath and thank God for sparing my life. When I finally arrive at L.T's house damn near the whole clique was there. When everyone gathers in my truck and L.T's truck we begin to head over to this place called "Money Makers" which is a 24 hour strip club. "Hey man what took you so long?" DeRay asks while we are on our way to the club, but since I didn't want to start anymore shit I just tell him I had car problems.

As we are pulling up to the place I ask which I ask which one of them is here and he says Big Ric. That's when I say "there couldn't be a better time to get this nigga than in broad day light! This shit right here will let niggas know we are for real." After we get set up we get out of the car and begin to walk to the door where we see him standing in the front. Before he gets the chance to get inside we bum rush him right in front of the door. Once a few of my boys tackle him to the ground L.T, DeRay, and I walk up from behind and shoot him three times each. While he is on the ground struggling for his life I get on one knee and say "don't worry Big Ric... Your friends will be joining you pretty soon!" after I say that I begin to rise to my feet, but before I knew it his bloody hand grabs my wrist and says "Damn it L.J you gone get yours real soon!" That's when I yank away from his grip and rise to my feet, but before I walk off I make sure he doesn't have a chance in hell to survive and shoot him right between the eyes. After I do that we all walk off and on our way to the cars someone says "one down three to go!" and we all begin to laugh as we head back to L.T's house.

Word about Big Ric must have spread quick because when we turn on L.T's street Mr. Valdez and the remaining three of his right hand men are standing outside his house waiting on our arrival. As we are getting out of the cars with our guns drawn and ready for anything that may go down Mr. Valdez says "calm down... Calm down we are not starting trouble here on your turf. That would be very dumb of us. We just came over to tell you something. Now we know what you did to Big Ric, may his soul rest in peace, but I personally wanted to say don't let it happen again. But don't worry I'm not mad because Ric was a small person to me, but that's enough. No more games or else!" Once he was finished talking that's when I lower my gun, walk straight up to him and say "the war has just begun!"

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