Royal Pain In The Ass

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I wake to someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I groan and push the hand away. "Go away," I groan again into the pillow. I smack the hand away again as it continues its assault on my sleep. 

Laughter erupts in the room. "No can do, Jade. Now,  get up!" The person yells a battle cry of some kind and I feel a huge weight land on top of me.

I make an 'oomph' sound as all the air leaves my body. I gasp for air and struggle to get the weight to get off. "Get off me you heavy beast, I can't breathe," I demand. Eventually, the beast that is my brother rolls over with his body still draped across mine.

Jason gasps in mock horror. "I am not heavy," he defends in a sassy voice which I would normally laugh at, but cannot due to his crushing of my lungs. I put my feet under his back and kick him off me, finally getting air into my lungs. Seconds later, I hear a thud followed by a loud groan.

I peek over the side of my bed to see Jason rubbing his buttcheeks. I smirk smugly and start laughing hysterically. "That's what you get, you jerk," I laugh out.

After my laughing dies down and Jason gets over his butt injury, he looks at me and clears his throat. "Well, you need to get ready because the Alpha King and his entourage will be here within the hour." 

I sigh heavily and pull myself out of bed. "Fine," I moan, disdain dripping heavily from the word. Jason leaves me to my own devices and I step into the shower.

I do my business and get dressed in a simple outfit of a white shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket. Once I've done my make-up and tamed the curly mess atop my head, I grab my phone and head downstairs to meet Jason at the front door. "Hey, Jason," I greet my brother as I come to a stop next to him and Jake. "How's your face, Jakey?" I ask in mock concern. He rolls his eyes and ignores me. I chuckle and share an amused glance with Carter, Jason's Delta.

Moments later, we walk outside and wait for the royal pain in the ass to get here. After fifteen minutes of uneventful waiting, I groan. "If he was coming to bother us, he could at least be on time," I mutter petulantly under my breath, causing Jason to flick my ear. I glare at him and he shakes his head. 

"Remember, Jade, best behavior," he tells me seriously. 

I do a quick two-finger salute to Jason. "Sir, yes, sir," I say sarcastically just as a black Ram truck pulls in followed by a blue BMW and a red Mercedes-Benz. Hmm - fancy. A black van follows in behind the three vehicles and I glare knowing his Royal Highness has just arrived.

I feel my wolf get a bit restless and it puts me on edge. She has always been very calm and in control.

My attention is drawn away as two tall and muscular men step out of the two cars. A group of equally strong-looking men and women then file out of the van and make their way over to the two guys. Guards, I'm guessing. The taller of the two begins conversing with the group before they all make their way to surround the black truck. Tension builds in the air as we wait for the final person to join us. The dark tint covering all of the windows makes it impossible to catch a glimpse of this mysterious person. Unsure as to why, but nerves bounce around my insides, making me more on edge about this meeting than before. 

About a minute later, the driver's door finally swings open and a heavy silence floods the courtyard. Even the birds are silenced by the overwhelming sense of power that has stepped onto our land. My eyes are instantly locked on the man, curiosity clawing at my brain with a thousand different questions about him and why he is here. 

One of the guards says something to the truck guy and he nods. It's not hard to point out that he is the Alpha King, the aura coming off of him is strong. He displays his power so that people will know his rank and strength.

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