I Promise

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I turn away from Ryder and run my hands through my hair. I pace back and forth for a moment before I stop and stare at the wooden floor. My eyes follow the pattern on the floor as my mind races.


Those words run through my brain on repeat. I can't focus on one thought, so many are hitting at once. I don't hear Ryder calling my name or hear him walk in front of me until he places his hand on my arm.

I snap my head up to look at him, "What did you say?" I ask, shaking my head, trying to get my thoughts in order. Ryder huffs, "I said it's nothing to freak out over." He says.  I furrow my eyebrows, "What do you mean it's nothing to freak out over?" I ask him.

Ryder shrugs his shoulders, "It was bound to happen sooner or later, it just happen to be sooner." He tells me. My mouth falls open slightly and I pull my arm away from his hand, taking a step back from him.

"What?" I ask in disbelief. Ryder gives me a confused look, "What?" I scoff, "Is that really all you think? Do really believe that this is just something that's going to happen?" I question him. Ryder hesitantly nods his head. I chuckle humorlessly and nod my head. "Oh yeah because marking your mate is just like going to the store to buy food." I say sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant." Ryder says. "Oh really?" I growl. "Cause that's sure as hell what it sounded like." I tell him angrily. Ryder sighs and pinch the bridge of his nose, "Jade you're making a big deal out of nothing." He says, annoyance in his voice. "So marking me is nothing." I state and cross my arms. Ryder growls in annoyance, "Jade you are twisting my words." he says. "No I am stating back to you what you are saying." I spit at him.

"If it means nothing, then there's no point in doing it in the first place." I growl and turn to the closet. I go inside a grab a plain black hoodie that went past my shorts and put it on. You can see part of my tattoo peeking out from under it. I lean down and slip on my black and white converse. I walk back out of the closet to see Ryder sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I feel bad for a second but maybe him feeling like this will show him some sense.

I walk past him and pick up my phone, wallet, and keys. Turns out Jason brought my bike and car here when he came to visit. "Where are you going?" Ryder's voice broke me from my thoughts. I clenched my jaw, "Out." I grit out. Ryder growls and I grip onto the dresser in front of me, it creaking under the pressure. "You aren't going anywhere dressed like that firstly." he growls possessively. "And secondly, why are you so mad? Us marking and mating is fate. It is going to happen. I don't understand why you are making such a huge deal out of nothing." He says, and I can hear the frustration in his voice.

My wolf growls softly in the back of my head, she's just as upset about this as I am. 'Dalton is trying to tell him Jade. Ryder's in control and he can stop him from saying this.' Jasmine tells me. I laugh bitterly, so it's all Ryder saying this, nice to know. Ryder's wolf, Dalton, can't get him to stop to think for a damn minute.

I feel my wolf growing upset as well as my eyes start to swirl with silver. I slowly turn around and my silver and blue eyes meet his dark blue ones. Ryder looks taken back when he sees my eyes. I growl at him lowly, "You want to know why I'm upset? It's because you think us marking and mating is just something normal. You don't think that's it special in the least. I know I act tough sometimes and like I don't give a fuck but I am still a girl who wanted a mate. I want to feel loved and cared for. I want when I get marked and mated to be special. Not just because it is expected of us. So yes Ryder I can and I will be upset." I rant and growl at him.

Something flashed in Ryder's eyes but I turned around before I could decipher it. I walk to the door and Ryder calls my name, "Jade." he calls softly. I reach for the hand when suddenly hands gently grab my waist and pull me to a hard yet soft chest. I sigh and clench my jaw, "Let me go Ryder." I say.

Ryder doesn't listen and turns me around in his arms. I look away from him and to the floor. "Jade, love, look at me." I let out a breath through my nose and slowly move my eyes to his. One of his hands move from my waist and his large rough hands caress my cheek, my body leans into his touch and I close my eyes, sighing in the process.

His thumb slowly traces under my eye and I open my eyes to see him staring at me with sadness and regret. "Love I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean to hurt you. You being my mate is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than anything in this world. I've loved you from the moment we touched in your kitchen. We don't have to do anything you don't want to. The kingdom doesn't make that choice, we do." He says. My wolf purrs and I look between his eyes, seeing nothing but the truth.

"And I promise you love, when we mark and mate with each other, I will make it special." he whispers to me. Ryder looks into my eyes and then slowly leans down to capture my lips with his. I kiss him back softly and my hands wrap around his neck and run my hand through his hair. He wraps his arm tighter around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and continues to hold my face softly.

After a minute, he pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. I look into his eyes as he looks into mine, "You promise?" I ask softly. Ryder smiles a little and gives me and short and slow kiss. He pulls away and pushes a piece of hair behind my ear, "I promise." he says. Ryder looks over my face and then smiles, "I promise you, my love."

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