Well Shit

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A month has passed since I found out that the rouge pack, the Red Howlers, put a target on my back. Things had been quiet since that last note, but Ryder was still on high alert. I don't believe even I could change that. I would be lying if I said I wasn't suspicious myself. You don't threaten someone and then just all of a sudden disappear.

"Come on Jade. Just try it." Krista said, picking up the disgusting thing called food. I cringed away as she took a bite and tried to get to take a bite as well. "No." I declared and shoved her hand away. Krista comes over every week or so to visit the castle and her family and friends.

Krista rolled her eyes, "Sushi isn't even bad. Just try it." She tries to convince me. I shake my head, "I may be part wolf, but you cannot make me eat raw fish." I tell her. Krista sighs and thinks for a second. "Okay...if you try this and don't like it, then you can tell Jason about what happened at the mall," She bargains.

This catches my attention. In case you're wondering, she is referring about how she dragged me into a lingerie store and she made me give my opinion on what she was trying on. Even though she didn't tell me, I knew she was going to try to mate with Jason. Ew because that is my brother.

I looked down at the sushi and then at Krista, "Just one bite?" I ask. Krista rolls her eyes again, "Just one." She confirmed. I picked up the cold and squishy food. I didn't like the smell of it either, it had never bothered me before, but maybe it did now because this time I was actually going to eat it. I sighed and took a slow bite. I chewed it but it was disgusting. I eventually swallow it and give a disgusted shiver.

"So?" Krista questions. I open to my mouth to answer her but quickly smack my hand over my mouth. I shot out of my seat and took over running down the hall to the closet bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before I emptied the contents of my stomach. A few seconds later Krista was behind me, holding my hair and rubbing my back. I sighed and looked up at her, "Does that answer your question? I'm going to my bedroom to lay down." I say and stand up carefully.

I made my way to the room and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and rinse with mouthwash. I laid down in the dark room and sighed as I buried myself in the insanely soft covers. I really hate sushi now.

I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep until I felt a hand on my forehead. I peeked my eyes open and see Ryder crouched down on my side of the bed when his hand feeling my forehead. "Hi." I whispered. "Hi." He replied with a smile. I sat up and sighed, "What time is it?" I ask while I rubbed my eye. Ryder took my hand in his, "It's only 3. I heard what happened earlier and wanted to come check how you were feeling." He told me. I nodded, "I'm better, I wasn't feeling great before and that nasty sushi pushed it." I said and scrunched up my nose in disgust as I remembered the taste.

Ryder chuckled and kissed my hand, "Well I'm glad you are feeling better." I nod and turn to get out of the bed. Ryder stands and helps me up. I wobble a bit and Ryder wraps his arm around my waist to steady me. A look of concern crosses his face, "Maybe we should take you to the pack doctor." I shake my head no, "I'm fine. I've just been laying down for a bit." He looks reluctant but he sighs, "Fine."

I peck his cheek and walk into the bathroom with him following me. "So, is there anything you wanted to talk about?" I ask as I put my hair up in a ponytail. Ryder shakes his head, "It can wait until you are better." I roll my eyes and walk past him to the closet, "Ryder. I told you I'm fine. So tell me what's on your mind." I say as I pull my long sleeve shirt off. I look over to see Ryder staring at me so I snap my fingers, "I know I'm hot, but it's rude to stare." I say with a chuckle.

Ryder focuses again and sticks his tongue at me like a five-year-old. "My parents want to meet you. That and my mom is really excited to help plan the wedding and coronation." He tells me. I put on a green tank top, "When?" I ask. I pull off my leggings and pull on a pair of ripped black jean shorts. "Whenever you're ready." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him. Ryder huffs, "Well my mom insisted that she wanted to meet you as soon as possible. But since you got sick, I'll tell her that it has to wait." He finally admits.

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