Never Easy

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"What?" Jason growled ferociously. I watched as Krista turned to him and placed his head in the crook of her neck, whispering things in his ear. Whatever she said seemed to work because his breathing became normal again but his eyes were still pitch black. I looked over at Cameron who seemed to be in another world.

I look to Evan and Sean, "Explain, now." I ordered them. They looked at each other and hesitate to open their mouths. I growl, "I'm furious as it is, if you don't start talking now, you are both going to wish that you had." I threaten them, meaning each word.

Evan sighed, "We started becoming suspicious a few weeks ago. Rogues were getting into the territory to easily, so we realized that they must be studying our patrolling schedule." Sean started next, "Two weeks ago is when we got the first note. It was laid on top of a dead bear that was torn to shreds. It read, "We want what is ours." And it was signed RH. We didn't take it lightly but we thought it was just some sick rogue trying to mess with us. That changed when a brick came flying through a window with another note just three days ago." Evan finished for him, "This time it said that you belonged to them and that they would kill anyone that got in their way." He said. My heart was beating quickly but I noticed the pointed look that Sean gave Evan. They were mind linking.

I narrow my eyes and in a blink of an eye, I was in front of them both. I growled lowly, "What aren't you telling me?" Evan looked straight into my eyes but looked down a few seconds later. "The leader said that you were his true mate. That you were his packs Luna and that you would carry his children." My wolf growled with such anger, she had never wanted someone's blood so bad.

I grabbed a lamp from a table and threw it across the room, the impact making it shatter into pieces. I kicked the filing cabinet I was standing next to and it crashed loudly into the wall. "I am going to kill him." My wolf said taking over my voice. I felt nagging in the back of my mind so I opened my link and roared, "What?!" It was silent for a second, but then his voice spoke. "Jade what's wrong?" he asks. I laugh, "Nothing is wrong Ryder. Everything is just fucking dandy." I growl and block my connection with him.

My head snaps over to Sean and Evan, "Do not answer him. Let's see how he likes it for fucking once." Evan's eyes cleared up, letting me know he was no longer mind linking. "He's angry." Sean informs me. I roll my eyes and scoff, "Am I supposed to care?" I ask. I sit down in Ryder's chair, "What has been done? Knowing Ryder, he has already started planning something, correct?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Evan and Sean share a look and I clear my throat. "Are you going to tell me?" They glance at each other, but Evan speaks, "We have been ordered by the Alpha King not to tell you anything. We've already gone against his order. Our wolves are struggling Luna." He says lowly. I growl, "Whether the Alpha King likes to admit it or not, I am stronger than him. I have more experience and more power. So, I am going to ask you again. What has he been planning?" This time my wolf takes over and my voice gets deeper, my command stronger than before.

They give into my order and tell me everything. The scents that have been picked up, the increased training, the patrol increase, and schedule change. I knew that Ryder was lying to me, but I never imagined that he would keep something like this from me. This is about me. People could be hurt because of me. My wolf was beyond furious and I was right there beside her. I clench my fist and nod as they finish. "Thank you. Though this should not have been kept from me, at least I know you are both loyal to this pack and your King." I say to the both of them.

They bow, "Thank you Luna." I look over to my brothers and Krista. They all look incredibly pissed. I notice Cameron shaking and his breathing is ragged. My wolf and I calm as the worry for him takes over.  I walk over to him and sit next to him. I place my hand on his shoulder, "Hey Cam. Are you okay?" I ask concerned. Cameron looks at me with dark stormy blue eyes that are usually bright blue like my own.

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