Plans and Castle Sluts

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I look at the ancient, decorative clock that sits on my newly acquired desk. The stroke of the hour hand hitting three marks my sixth hour behind locked office doors. I've been in this office for hours on end working on my plan, drawing blueprints, looking over budgets, and establishing recruitment efforts. I hate that the maids and butlers have to live in those tiny rooms, so things are about to change. For as much as they do to keep this place and the people inside of it running, they deserve a place to relax as equals. 

Over the past few hours, a few pack members have come to check on me, but I've politely dismissed each of them. Well, except for the guy who brought me lunch - I definitely opened the door for him.  The rest were all sent by Ryder and I imagine it won't be long until he comes up here himself. With that thought, I focus back on the work in front of me.

A couple of hours later, another knock sounds heavy on the wooden door. I look around at the collection of papers on my desk and quickly pull blank folders over them to hide their contents. 

I walk to the door and pull the door open, not exactly surprised to find Ryder standing on the other side. I lean against the frame of the door with one hand holding the door itself close to my side. I allow my eyes to trail up and down Ryder's frame, once again covered in his outfit from this morning. Once my eyes reach his, I smirk slightly as I find Ryder doing much of the same to my body. "Yes?" I question with a raised brow, bringing his attention back to my face.

Ryder brings his arms in to cross across his chest. "It has been reported to me that you have hidden away behind these locked doors for," he pauses to glance at his watch, "seven hours. Considering you have yet to be assigned any duties, you can call my interest peaked." Ryder's eyes flow up and down my body once more. "I would not have taken you as the type to stay cooped up inside an office all day."

I let out a breathless chuckle. "Well, your routine reports on my schedule are correct. However, sir, you are wrong." 

Ryder's eyebrow shoots up in question. "How so?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Though we are mates, it has been less than two days since we met. He doesn't know a thing about me and I wish he wouldn't assume that he does. "Contrary to popular belief, I know how to effectively manage my time. Meaning, despite the fact that I enjoy and prefer being outside, I know when work needs to be done inside." 

Ryder watches me intently as I speak, his eyes never wavering from mine as though he's trying to read something within them. Once free of listening, Ryder nods. "I see. Would you care to divulge what has kept your attention so keenly these past few hours?" 

I shake my head. "Nope. Not until I'm finished." With that said, I step back from the door, closing it in his face and locking it in one swift movement.

"Jade! Open this door! I wasn't done talking to you," he growls, the annoyance clear in his voice. 

I roll my eyes and laugh as I walk back to the desk. "Huh, that's funny cause I was done talking to you." I reach my destination and sit back down in my chair, removing the folders from atop the plans. I hear Ryder growl angrily from outside the door and I chuckle at his display of frustration. A few short moments later I hear his footsteps retreating as his scent grows fainter.

I look over the prints of the castle grounds and focus on the empty plot of land that sits two miles west of the Castle itself. I also have the prints for the Castle's first sub-level.

Once I am done planning and proving my plan is possible, I will show everything to Ryder. He's not going to be happy I "broke" into his office, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. A little "Robin Hood" action, if you will. 

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