Never Will We Part

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I hiss in pain and yank my head away from the evil person behind me. "You do know my head is attached to hair, right?" I turn my head back just in time to see Cassie roll her eyes. Then hands are on my face, turning it to face the the wall I've been looking at for the past hour.

"Stop moving ya big baby. You're going to mess up my masterpiece." Krista goes back to applying makeup products to my face, like she has been for the past thirty minutes, after my facial, and all the while, Cassie has been doing my hair.

I take a deep breath and let it out through my nose, trying to focus on what's happening at hand and not what will be happening within the hour. The very thing that I have been dreading, yet yearning for since it became an path in my future.

Cries of a child fill the room, Cassie and I both turn tense and turn on instinct, only to find Mattathias fussing in bassinet next to his sister. The nanny, Pietra, who also assisted in raising Ryder, heading over to care for him. "Pietra, bring him to me please." She picks him up, walks to me, and places him in my arms. She bows her head before going back to her duties as the Royal Nursemaid.

I rock Mattathias gently side to side and shush him, "There, there, Matty. Momma's here." I pat his bottom and continue to rock him while Krista and Cassie return to their projects. Mattathias keeps fussing and I sigh, knowing I was lacking in my motherly skills, just like I feared I would.

"Try singing to him." I frown, "What?" I can basically see Cassie roll her eyes from where I sit. "Sing to him, like you did for Brayden."

I think back to the songs my mother used to sing for my brothers and I and one comes to mind.

"A dormir, a dormir

A dormir, me bebito

Que tus sueños sean siempre

De amor,  cariño y paz

A dormir mi bebe

Que los ángeles van

A cantarte y cuidarte

Para que duermas en paz."

Mattathias is staring up at me when I finishing singing and he has stopped crying. I smile down at him and place my finger in his little hand, which his automatically squeezes. "That's my boy. Hi. I love you." I keep talking to him and playing with him until I hear a huge sigh of relief from Cassie and Krista at the same time. "Done." They chorus. I raise an eyebrow and then we all laugh.

I stand with Mattathias in my arms and walk over to Pietra who is already getting Atarah ready. I place him down next to his sister. I stroke his head that has black hair already dusting it and then peck Atarah's cheek. "I'll see you soon, niños." I leave Pietra to it and walk back to Cassie and Krista, who are in charge of me...apparently.

Krista starts bouncing and clapping her hands together while smiling ear to ear, "You ready to put on your dress?" I smile softly, "As I'll ever be." Cassie unzips the bag and with careful precision, I step into my dress.

I wanted a simple dress. Something light and not over the top. Cassie and Krista thought I was absolutely crazy and with the help of Ryder, nagged me until I gave in. I stood strong on wanting a simple design, but Ryder insisted on have the finest fabric that money could buy. To appease him and the girls, I agreed. Standing in it now, I am very glad I did, not that I would ever admit that to them.

The fabric is so soft, yet so light. It flows so gently over my skin. I absolutely loved it. I couldn't see what I looked like it in since Cassie had the mirrors covered before I even walked in the room. It was the Queen's preparation room just down the hall from the ceremonial throne room.

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