Behind Your Back

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Ryder's POV

I stare at Atarah and Mattathias as they sleep peacefully in the hospital bassinets. Sean and Evan stand next to me, smiling. Evan claps me on the back, "Congratulations, brother. They're beautiful." I smile and shake my head in an ecstatic disbelief. I answer him without looking away from my children.

"Aren't they? I didn't know I could love something so small, so much." I reach down and fix the blanket covering Atarah's sleeping figure. Mattathias starts fussing and Sean reaches down his finger and my boy clutches Sean's finger. As Mattathias returns to sleep, Sean smiles brightly.

Sean chuckles and looks up at me, "You did good, man, real good." This feeling in my chest hadn't relieved itself and I never wanted it to. I hadn't felt this happy and content with my life since I met Jade. My mate. My wonderful and amazing mate. The woman who gave me everything I ever dreamed about. She makes me a better person. Before her, I was described as cold-hearted, some even said I didn't have a heart. Just an empty pit where the beating vessel should rest. I won't lie and say I didn't do questionable things, but that all changed when I finally found her. The second our skin touched, I felt it beat for the first time in a long time. She gave me a new reason to live. A new reason to wake up every morning and a new reason to find the beauty in everyone and everything. Now she has given me two more reasons.

The door to the hospital nursery opens and Jade and I's families walk in. My mother and Krista automatically start gushing over the twins, while everyone else comes to hug and congratulate me, then go to gush over the twins as well. Jason hugs me last and nods at me when we pull apart. "I thought I was gonna have to put you in the ground for a time, Mathews." He says with a smirk on his face. I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles, but then looks down at the twins with a fond smile. "But, I want to thank you." I must look confused because he laughs but then gets serious.

"I want to thank you for making her happy," he starts. "After everything that happened, she was broken and I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to fix her. Then you came along and after a few bumps, you made her smile like she used to. You have given her everything she has ever wanted and I am eternally grateful to you for that." Jason's voice begins to break so he clears his throat.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and holds the other one out to me. I take it and he squeezes my hand, "You're family now, Mathews." I smirk at him and nod, "You too, Collins."

We walk closer to everyone and Cameron looks up at us with red eyes, obviously close to tears. My mom is already in tears and my dad can't stop from smiling. Wyatt holds Cameron's hand tightly and is stroking Atarah's face while she stares up at him with her impossibly blue eyes. "What are their names?"

I smile proudly and smooth out Mattathias's forehead. "Atarah Madison and Mattathias Leeroy." I hear a small gasp and look up. The tears that play on the edges of Cameron's eyes finally fall, "Madison and Leeroy..."

"After our parents." Many emotions pass through Jason's face and I can tell he was fighting off the tears by the way his Adam's apple bobs harshly. Krista goes and wraps her arms around him and he smiles at her in a loving way before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. My mom turns to me and grabs my face and places a kiss on my cheek, "Oh my boy, they're perfect. Absolutely perfection."

Suddenly, a screech echoes through the hospital walls. The intruder alarm. There are rouges among us. I immediately go into alpha mode and my mate is the first thing on my mind. "Jade! Mom, Dad, stay with the twins no matter what." I take off down the halls with a inhuman speed. I hear fast footsteps behind me and I push myself harder.

I burst into Jade's room where she is resting and panic when she is not in her bed. The window is wide open. I rush to the window and the chill of autumn is seeping into the room. I feel something slick underneath my shoes. I look down and my heart stops in my chest.

Blood. My mate's blood. The smell of Jade's blood and that of rouges hits me like a wall.

I let out a roar that shakes the walls as Sean, Evan, Cameron, and Jason flood into the room. My wolf is out and my eyes are completely silver. My voice is not my own.

"They took her! They will die!"

----------------------------------------------------------------------------'s been a while. Well, this seems kinda awkward.

If an explanation is what you are looking for, then here it is.

After a month or so of publishing the last chapter, I figured out how I wanted this story to end (and yes it is ending soon). Even though I knew where I wanted it to end, I couldn't figure out how to get there. So in summary, I had a huge case writer's block and procrastination. For that, I apologize greatly.

Next, I want to thank each and every one of you who reads this book. It really means the world to me. One of my favorite things is reading all of your comments and my heart is filled with joy everytime someone votes on a chapter. I know I suck at updating, but I am going to try and do better, so all of you loyal readers can get to the ending you have been waiting for.

Once again, I'm sorry for the delays and thank you for reading. Feel free to vote, comment, and share if you'd like too. No pressure.

Until next time ma peeps.

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