I Love You...Wait What?

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I sigh and clear my throat, "Well I guess training is over for today. See you guys later." I say and use my wolf speed to get out of there. I got back to the Castle and took the elevator up to my room. I close the door and go straight to the shower.

I quickly wash myself and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself. I walk out of the bathroom and into the closet. I grab a black tank top, a blue lace bra with matching panties and pulled them on. I walked into the bedroom and went to the dresser that has shorts and such in it.

I pulled open the drawer and looked through the clothes. All of a sudden hands are on my hips. I jump a little bit relax when I feel the Sparks.

Ryder pulls me close to him, my backside pressed up against his front. I breathed out as my body automatically relaxed into his. Ryder's hand trailed from up hip down my thigh, over my flower tattoo. His other down my forearm, my shadow forest tattoo. Finally Ryder placed a soft kiss on the Yin Yang wolves on my shoulder.

"You're beautiful." I looked down and then glanced to my left for a second. I hadn't said anything and Ryder put a finger under my chin and turn my head to the left and up to look at him. "Do you not believe me?" I shrug and just grab a black pair of shorts.

Before I can put them on, Ryder grab my arms and gently pushes me up the wall behind to us. "Love look at me." I slowly look up at him beneath my lashes. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. I promise you I will always be here for you and I will never tell you different." He says seriously.

I feel my heart swell and my wolf purr in appreciation. I hear Ryder's heartbeat pick up a little and he leans down slightly so he is face to face with me and we can see into each others eyes. He takes my face in hands and runs his thumb across my cheek. He lets out a breath through his nose, "I love you Jade. I'll always love you no matter what." he says to me while looking me straight in the eyes. My wolf howled in happiness and my mind starts racing.

He said he loves me.

I wasn't expecting that.

I'm snapped back into reality when Ryder's voice breaks my thoughts, "You don't have to say it back and you might think it's too early for me to say it but I want you to know it's true. I-" he is cut off by my lips. Ryder stops and sighs before gently kissing me back. I pull away after a moment with a small smile on my face, "I love you too." I say. A breathtaking smile forms on Ryder's face and it makes my heart melt.

Ryder crashes his lips to mine again and I feel the emotion flowing between us. The kiss starts to get heated and I run my fingers through his thick hair and slightly pull. Ryder growls approvingly and grips one of my thighs, bring my leg up and wrapping it around his waist. He pushes me harder into the wall and nips my bottom lip. My lips open as I gasp slightly and that gives Ryder the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Ryder pulls away and puts his head in my neck and growls lowly. I laugh softly and run my fingers through his hair, "Go answer the door." I whisper in his ear. Ryder looks up at me and his eyes are darker with lust.

He pouts his lips a little and I peck them softly. "Go." I laugh. Ryder sighs and pulls away from me and heads to the door. I pick up the shorts that I had dropped and slip them on quickly. My wolf was still elated and howling with joy in my head, I would be lying if I said I wasn't just as happy.

Ryder pulls open the door and I stay leaned against the wall that we had been at. I was out of the view of the person standing at the door. "Hey man. Have you told her yet? The pack, as well as the rest of the werewolf world, wants to meet her." A deep voice says, one that I recognize as Evan. My guess was right as not a second later he walked into the room, right past Ryder, yet still not noticing me.

"Evan." Ryder growled. "We've been holding this off for a while now but everyone is getting impatient. They're starting to question if you have really even found your mate yet." He rambles on.

Ryder growls louder with his power leaked into it. Evan immediately stops in his tracks and bows his head in respect. I realize I have my scent hidden and I release it. Evan's head snaps up to me and then he looks at Ryder. "You haven't told her yet." It wasn't a question.

Ryder's eyes looked at me and then he shook his head, "No. I haven't gotten around to that topic of discussion." Ryder states. I finally decide to finally see what the hell is going on. "What hasn't been told to me?" I ask. Ryder looks at me and Evan looks between us two.

"Nothing for you to worry about love." Ryder says. I narrow my eyes at him, "Well obviously that isn't true. Now tell me, what the hell don't I know?" I ask more sternly this time.

Ryder glares at Evan and nods his head for him to leave. Evan bows and hurries out of the room, closing the door behind him. I cock my hip to the side and cross my arms. I raise my eyebrow, "Well?" Ryder looks at me for a tense moment before sighing.

He walks up to me and uncrosses my arms. He holds my hands in his, playing with my fingers. "I didn't want to worry you and it wasn't anything to rush." He starts off cautiously. I sigh, "Ryder just come out with it." I tell him.

Ryder stares down into my eyes and after what looks like a inside battle, probably with his wolf, he sighs deeply. "The Kingdom has caught wind that I have found my mate...and their future queen. They want the Coronation done as soon as possible..." Ryder trails off.

My mouth hangs open slightly and I shake my head. "Wait...to have a Coronation you have to..." I trail off and pull my hands from his grasp. I wrap my arms around my waist and Ryder finished my sentence for me.

"I have to mark you."



Okay before you kill me, listen.

I am very sorry I have not updated in ages. I was worried that it wasn't good enough to publish but you guys aren't having it.

Leading on from that....


Over 30k views and 1k votes. All of the comments that everyone leaves make me extremely happy and encourage me to finish this book.

You guys really don't know how much I appreciate it. Thank you all so much...again. I hope you liked this crap chapter at least a little.

I love you all!!

Don't forget to Comment and Vote! Let me know how you guys are liking the story.

Btw shoutout to all the people who commented and told me to get a chapter published! This chapter is for you.😉

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