Training Is A Bitch

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I feel a light touch on my shoulder. The touch seems to be drawing weird patterns on me. My eyes slowly flutter open and I look up to see Ryder smiling down at me softly. "Morning love." he says. I smile at him and lay my head back down on his chest, "Morning." I breathe. I let my eyes fall closed and Ryder's chest moves when he lets out a soft chuckle, "I'm sorry I woke you." he apologizes.

I open my eyes again and smile, "It's fine," I look at the clock beside the bed, "I need to get up anyways." I say and grab his hand that was laying on his stomach. I run my fingertips up and down his palm and intertwine them. I just play with our hands while Ryder strokes my hair.

"What are you thinking about?" Ryder asks. I glance at him and then back to our hands, "Nothing really." I say. I tilt my head upwards and smile at him, "What are you thinking about?" I ask. Ryder's lips twitch into a small smile, "You." He says.

I roll my eyes but smile anyways. I lean forward and kiss his cheek, "You are too cheesy for your own good." I laugh softly. Ryder smiles at me, "It made you smile so I'm okay with that." He tells me. I shake my head and him and place a soft kiss on his lips. The kiss is soft and slow.

I pull back and I smile a little. I push the hair that fell on his forehead to the side and then my fingertips traced his the features of his face. Ryder watches me as I go over his face gently. When I finish I look at him in the eyes. Ryder picks up my hand and kisses my palm and then leans down and kisses me.

He pulls back with a small smile of his face. "How did I get so lucky to get you?" He whispers. I smile, "It was fate...literally." I say and laugh a little at the end. I see Ryder's eyes glaze over and then a moment later he focuses again and sighs. "I hate to do this but we have to get up, we need to train today with the pack." He tells me. I shake my head and smile, "Then let's go." I say and slide out of the bed.

I go the closet and grab a pair of black spandex pants that went to my knees and and a gray longs sleeve shirt. I went to the bathroom and did my business, which included getting dressed, using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and putting my hair up in a high ponytail.

When I finished I walk back out to see Ryder dressed wearing a tight fitted black and blue sports tank and black gym shorts. My wolf growls approvingly in my head and I roll my eyes, 'Not now you horny animal.' I scold her. 'I will look as much as I please thank you, he's not just your mate you know.' She sasses back. 'I never said he wasn't Jasmine.' I tell her and with a huff under my breath I walk over to Ryder.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod and we talk the elevator down the the first floor. We go to the backyard and Ryder looks over at me, "We train in a clearing about 2 miles away. Do you want to shift and run or stay in human form and run?" I bend down and stretch my legs. I look up at him and smirk, "Human."

"Race ya?" I challenge. Amusement shines in Ryder's eyes, "You want to race me?" He questions. I tilt my head to the side and smirk, "Unless you don't want to because you are scared to lose."I tease. Ryder narrows his eyes but the amusement still dances in them, "Alright then, you're on." We walk to the edge of the woods and get in the ready position, Ryder glances at me and then looks straight ahead, "Ready...Set...Go!" he yells and then we sprint off.

Ryder is already in front of me by a few feet and he looks back a second before laughing, "You're losing!" he taunts. I shake my head and glare at the back of his head playfully. 'We'll see about that.'  My wolf says and I push my legs harder. I am now side by side with Ryder. I look at him a smirk, "What was that?" I ask. He just rolls his eyes and tries to run faster. I smirk and use all the speed I have to zoom past him and a few yards later I skid into a clearing full of pack members.

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