I'm Sorry

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I step out of the car and glance over at Ryder who hasn't said a word to me since the mall. I sigh and walk up the steps of the Castle. I notice the sunset setting over a hill, the light shining through the trees. I stop and then walk over the the edge of the Castle's front deck.

I stare at the beautiful view as a memory comes to my mind.

"Look daddy! It's so pretty." I say and point at the sunset fading behind the horizon. My dad smiles down at me, "Just like you princess. You are gorgeous and don't you ever let anyone ever tell you otherwise. If they do, they are just blind as a bat." He says and then tickles my sides. I let out squeal of laughter and squirm away from his fingers. "Daddy stop!" I laugh. He stops and laughs. My dad kisses my forehead and smiles at me, "I love you my sunshine."  I smile up at him, "I love you too daddy." I say. "Hello my darlings."  A sweet voice says from behind us. We turn and a bright smile graces my dads face, the face he always got when he looked at my mother. "Snow come on! Lets play tag!" Jason yells. "You're it!" He yells after he starts running. I jump up from my dad's lap and take off after him, "No fair!" I yell after him. I hear my parents soft laughs as I chase my brother around the open field with the sunset glowing around us.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" A voice breaks me away from my memories. I glance to my side and then look down, quickly wiping the tears that I hadn't realized fell from my face. I chuckle humorlessly, "I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating." I joke. I look back over to see Ryder with a small frown on his face. He reaches his hand up and wipes away a tear I forgot to.

Ryder walks closer to me and pulls me softly to him. I sigh and bury my face in his chest. "What's the matter, love? Did I do something?" He asks in my ear. I shake my head softly. "Love please tell me." He pleads gently. I sigh and close my eyes as Ryder strokes my hair and place his hand on the back of my waist. "I was just remembering something." I say dismissively.

"Was it something sad?" he asked. I shake my head, "No, actually it was a happy memory." I tell him. "Then why were you crying?" he questions. I bite my lip and tears fill my eyes, I stay silent. Ryder places his hand under my chin and gently makes me look up at him, "It's okay Jade. Don't cry baby, you too beautiful for that." he says, I know he is trying to lighten the mood. I laugh but my voice is thick from the lump in my throat. "I was crying because it was about my parents...when they were alive." I say and whisper the last part.

Ryder tightens his grip on me, "I'm so sorry Jade. It will be okay, I'm here for you." Ryder soothes. I just let him hold me as I calm down. "Hey Ryd- oh sorry. I'll save it for later." Evan voice says from a few feet away. I pull away from Ryder and give Evan a small smile, "No, I was just leaving. Please continue." I say as I start walking inside.

A hand grabs mine and pulls me back, I look up at Ryder who has a worried look on his face. "You don't have to go Jade. I can talk to him later." he says searching my eyes. I smile at him softly and shake my head, "I'll be fine," I lean up and peck his cheek, "Talk to Evan. I'll still be here when you are finished." I tell him and walk away from him again, this time he doesn't grab me. I give Evan one last smile and wave before walking inside the doors that the guards have already opened.

I go up to our room and go to the closet. I changed into a black tank top, a gray and black hoodie, and black jeans. I slip on my black and white converse and then head back out.

I walk around the castle for a little while after grabbing my phone and headphones. I see a small body sitting in a chair with their feet swinging and their face covered by a book. I smile and place my phone in my pocket. I walk over to the chair and squat down. They don't see to notice me so I tap on the back of the book. They jump and look down at me. "Hey there handsome." I say. Tyler smiles shyly, "Hello Luna." he greets.

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