Deadline Not Met

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"Ryder, could you chew louder? 'Cause honestly I don't think Russia can hear you!" I growl at a nervous looking Ryder. His eyes flicker around and he gently places his sandwich down as he swallows slowly.

Ryder scratches the back of his head, "Sorry." I roll my eyes and then narrow my eyes at a chuckling Evan and Sean. "Don't laugh. Evan your repetitive tapping on the table is so annoying and Sean I could probably hear you breathing from outside." Both guys shrink into themselves and lower their heads.

I shift in my seat and groan. "I have never been so damn uncomfortable in my life, and I have had both of my legs broken twice in one week. They take the longest to heal."

When every way I turn still is uncomfortable and whine, "Damn you, Ryder." Ryder frowns, "What did I do now?" I raise an eyebrow at him and point at my universally large stomach. Ryder smirks, "Takes two to tango baby." When I flip him off, he just winks back at me.

"Still no babies huh?" Krista states the obvious as she and Jason walk into the kitchen. I throw my head back so the kitchen looks upside down. "If there were, I wouldn't want to rip your brother's head off so much," I mutter. I hear Jason laugh so I lift my head up.

Jason walks over to me, giving Ryder a pat on the back first. He kisses my head and wraps an arm around my shoulders, "How are you doing Snow?" I lean my head on his shoulder, "Well I feel like I have two professional athletes playing soccer with my insides and that if they kick my bladder, it means bonus points. How about you?" 

Jason pats my shoulder, "I'm sure it won't be much longer." I shake my head and start to stand up. Jason begins to help me up and Ryder stands to help me too. I swat their hands away. "I'm pregnant, not a cripple." I snap.

I waddle towards the living room and struggle to sit down in the very large armchair. I sigh heavily when I finally sit. Then I growl when I realize this still is uncomfortable. I growl loudly and then random tears start to fall down my face. Ryder walks over and squats down in front of me. He takes my hands in his and rubs his thumbs in circles, "What's bothering you mea lux?"

"I haven't been comfortable since I woke up this morning. That's all I want. No, what I want is these babies out." I glare down at my stomach, "Get out. Get out. Get out! Please get out. Why won't you get out? It's so much nicer out here! I swear!" I cry in frustration.

I see Ryder frown and I see his eyes glaze over slightly. He blinks back a few seconds later and smiles at me. I give him a curious look, what is he thinking? He grabs a pillow from one of the other couches and places it next to me.

He reaches for my legs, "Wait, what are you doing?" "Trust me amore." He picks up my legs and swings them around so they rest over the side of the armchair. He pulls me down a little so I am kind of sitting/laying in the chair. He leans me forward and places the pillow under my back. He lays me back down so my head is supported by the chair's arm, my back by the pillow, and my legs in the air.

I relax into the position and am actually shocked when I don't squirm in discomfort. I look up at Ryder in awe, "How did you know?" He rubs my belly and a baby kicks his hand. Ryder smiles brightly and looks at me with joy. "I remembered that my mom told me she went through this with me so I asked her. She said laying like this helped her."

I smile and then frown, "Ryder, I'm worried. Twins are usually born a few weeks prematurely. I am already a week past my due date." Ryder pushes my hair behind my ear, "Rachel told us that this could be normal. We are the first Yin Yang wolfs that both have Alpha blood in us, not to mention we were both chosen to be Werewolf Royalty. There was no real way of knowing when the babies are exactly to be born. The date she gave us was an estimate." he tries to logically reason with me.

I sigh and nod, "Yeah, but I just can't wait for them to get out of me. This is really not pleasant and also I want to hold them after so long." I place my hand over Ryder's and smile at the kicks that the babies give. Ryder leans up and kisses me softly. He pulls away and touches our foreheads together, "I love you and our babies more than anything." I smile brightly and kiss him again.

"Cancel the PDA. People entering the room." Cameron says pulls Wyatt into his lap when he sits down on the recliner. Ryder rolls his eyes and sits down on the floor, leaning against the armchair. I run my fingers through his hair and he leans his head back to it rests on the top of my stomach.

"Should I ask?" Cameron asks and waves his pointed finger at the length of my strange position. Ryder chuckles, "No." Cameron nods, "Okay."

New footsteps echo in the room and we all turn to see Brooke. I smile at her and wave. "Hello everyone. I was wondering if I could get anyone anything." She says with her soft smile. "Some hot chocolate would be nice please, for the both of us," Cameron tells Brooke. "That sounds good." Ryder asks me, his head tilting to look at me. I nod and pick out a piece of fuzz in his hair. "For us as well Brooke, thank you." Brooke bows her head toward us and walks away.

"Jay, remember Dad's hot chocolate?" I smile and nod, "Yeah. He said it was the fourth proudest thing he ever had a hand in making." "Fourth?" Wyatt questions. Jason and Krista walk in as Cameron and I start laughing. "What's so funny?" Krista asks. Jason plops onto the floor in front of the couch and pulls Krista down so she sits between his legs and her back is to his front.

"Jade and I were reminiscing about Dad's chocolate and told them that Dad said it was the fourth proudest thing he ever had a hand in making. Then Wyatt questioned why it was fourth." Cameron explained. Jason gets a look in his eye and then shutters with a small chuckle. "Well?" Krista pushes. Jason rolls his eyes and with a sigh, he continues. "Our dad said that the hot chocolate was the fourth proudest thing because Cameron, Jade, and I were the first three." Krista and Wyatt 'aww', but Ryder chuckles with Cameron and I because he gets the underlying meaning.

Jason rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Yeah, yeah. You laugh and you 'aww', but none of you got your sex talk because you were stupid enough to question him." I laugh a little harder and tears spring to my eyes. Everyone is laughing and I sober up. I look around at the people sitting in this room. These people...these people are my family. Even if two people I love aren't here to share it with me, these are the people who make up for it.

"Baby, why are you crying? Are you okay?" Ryder is on his knees facing me. He grips my face with his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe away the unknown tears. I let out a choked laugh and sniff. I nod my head and look around the room again, "Yeah, I'm great. Just hormones, you know."

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