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A growl rings throughout the kitchen. I slap Ryder's chest, "Stop it." I say sternly. Ryder looks down at me with narrowed eyes, "That's my baby sister." he growls again. I narrow my eyes back at him, "And I'm his. Do you think he was happy that you were mated to his baby sister?" I ask challenging him to growl again. Ryder thinks this over and then mutters under his breath. He grabs my waist and pulls me to him, I roll my eyes, stupid possessive wolves.

I turn around in his arms so my back is flat against his chest. I smile at my brother who was looking at Krista with so much love in his eyes. This is that happiest I have seen him since before our parents died.

Jason looks up at me and gives me a smile and I smile back, "Congrats bro." I say. Jason gives me a nod and looks back a Krista who looks at him with love and happiness. Suddenly a thought comes to my head and I scrunch up my face in disgusts. I feel arms tighten around me and the I feel Ryder push a strand of hair behind my ear, "What's wrong Jade?" he asks concerned.

Jason and Krista look over at me too. I look at Ryder, "I just realized that if or when any of us get married that it will be incest through marriage." I tell them. They all think this over and then get the same face as me, "You make everything weird." Jason says and sticks his tongue out. I flip my hair over my shoulder, "It's a talent of mine." I say which causes Krista to laugh and Jason to roll his eyes.

Ryder chuckles and kisses my temples, "Is that really gonna stop you?" he asks. I shrug, "Maybe..." I tell him. Ryder kisses my lips quickly, "Now?" he asks. "Just a little bit." Ryder kisses me again but this time a few seconds longer. "How about now?" he asks with a smirk on his face. I smile cheekily, "I don't know, there is just little itty bitty part of me that-" I get cut off by Ryder slamming his lips with mine yet again.

He traces his tongue across my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly but it's enough for him to push his tongue into my mouth. I put one hand on the back of his neck and the other resting on his chest while he held my waist. Ryder kisses me slowly until he pulls back slightly with a smile on his face, "What about now?" he asks breathlessly. I pretend to think it over and then smile at him, "I think I can deal with it." I say.

Ryder smiles and laughs and pecks my cheek. Someone clears their throats and I look over where Jason and Krista are standing, Krista with a smile and Jason with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. I bite my lip to not laugh and look at Jason's eyes, "What's wrong, Jason?" I asked.

Jason narrowed his eyes even more and shook his head, "You know damn well what is wrong missy." He says and his eyes flicker to where me and Ryder are holding each other. "Awe don't be like that Jace, you are gonna be doing the same thing with Krista." I say with an eye roll.

Krista looks down as her cheeks turn red and I see Jason glare at me while Ryder glares at Jason, "Do not let me catch you touching my sister like that Collins." Ryder warns. Jason raises an eyebrow, "Oh so you can touch my sister but I can't touch yours?" Jason counters. I scrunch up my nose, "It sounds weird when you say it like that." I voice. Krista nods, "Yeah, I agree." she says.

'Hey we should go shopping?' I mind link Krista. 'Yes! I think I'm in love with you.' She answers back immediately. I roll my eyes but smile anyways. I look around and spot some keys, Ryder's keys.

'Okay on in three seconds we take off for the garage. Go to Ryder's black Ferrari. GO!' I say and then we both take off running but I snatch the keys first. We run straight to the garage and I unlock the car.

Krista and I hop inside and then I quickly roar the car to life. I floor out of there as soon as the guys burst through the door. When we getting on the highway Krista looks over at me, "Do you think they'll be mad?" I glanced over at her, "Nah." I said and sped up the car so we could get to the mall quicker.

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