Father To Be

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I really like this song, has nothing to do with the chapter, kinda. *shrugs* (read below please)

There might be a triggering situation regarding eating disorders. If this may offend you or trigger you, please read with caution. I do not, by any means, want to cause offense or trigger something.


Ryder's POV

Soft kisses leave tingles on my shoulder and I softly sigh as the feeling brings me comfort. "Mi amor." A soft voice calls out. "Wake up Mi Rey." The voices gently calls again. I peel my eyes open to see my beautiful mate staring up at me with her bright blue eyes. I smile at her, "Good morning love." I whisper, closing my eyes as I reach out and pull her body closer to me.

Jade laughs lightly and brushes my fallen hair from my forehead, "Morning." I hum lightly and start nodding off again. "It's time to get up Alpha." Her soft voice teases into my ear. I growl lowly and tighten my grip on my mate.

I hear her beautiful laugh again and it makes me open my eyes. I see her wide smile and immediately a smile graces my face. Jade looks into my eyes and shakes her head, "We need to get up." she informs me. I groan and place my head in the crook of her neck, "Must we?" I ask. Jade chuckles in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine.

"I mean I guess we don't have to find out the genders of our babies." she says in a thoughtful tone. I smile against her neck and then look up at her. I peck her lips and place a hand on the bump of her stomach. A little over two months and her stomach has slightly grown. I lean down and kiss her belly, "Good morning to you as well my loves."

Jade runs her hand through my hair and I smile up at her. I look at her belly again, "I think mommy is getting a tad impatient with me so I'll talk to you two later. I love you," I face Jade again and peck her lips, "and I love you." Jade shakes her head, "Come on then." She says and gets up, me following soon after.

Jade walks into the bathroom as I walk into the closet. I throw on a black t-shirt and some blue jeans, as well as some black vans. I go into the bathroom and see Jade putting on some light make up. I stand behind her and kiss her shoulder, "You're beautiful mea lux, with or without make up." I say and she smiles at me in the mirror.

I place a gentle kiss on her mark and smile against her skin when I feel her shiver against me. I wink at her in the mirror and her cheeks go pink so I chuckle softly. I let her go and go to my sink to brush my teeth as well as style my hair. Jade had already left the bathroom to, I'm guessing, change.

I walk into the bedroom and watch her as she stands in the mirror, staring at her stomach with her hand slowly running across it. Ever since last week when we told the pack about the babies and engagement, she's been wearing her own clothes, which shows off her baby bump. Now that I look back on it, I honestly couldn't believe I didn't notice something was amiss those first two weeks.

I remember when we told my parents. I could hear Jade's heart race when my mother started squealing, jumping, and crying. Even Father jumped in surprise and he wasn't new to Mother's questionable behavior. When someone first meets my mother, they find it really hard to believe she was once Queen since she acts in such a childish manner. Mother was all over Jade with so many questions about the coronation, the wedding, the babies, and well, just everything really. I saw Jade getting overwhelmed so Father and I had to step in.

When we told our siblings about the pregnancy...it was...well it was something. To sum it up, Jason and Cameron wanted to rip my head off and Kira was upset that she wasn't told sooner. Overall, they were extremely happy for us. When Jade's brothers smiled at her and wrapped her in a large hug, I felt her relaxed through our bond and she visibly calmed, what her brothers thought was really important to her. Anyone with eyes could see that.

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