What Are You Hiding From Me?

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It has been a few weeks since me and Ryder talked about the mating thing. While it was a bit strange to walk around knowing that everyone wanted Ryder and I mated, it was not at the top of my worry list. A few days after the mating thing, Ryder started to become distant and it has been getting worse.

He'll wake up in the morning, kiss my forehead, shower, and then disappear into his office. Ryder will work late into the night and sometimes not even come back to the room until the next morning. The bags under his eyes are becoming more and more prominent everyday. We barely even talk. I know I probably sound clingy but my wolf is upset and so am I, the mate bond has been growing stronger since we found each other, or rather, he found me.

Now it's 10 at night and Ryder still hasn't come back to the room since he left at 7 this morning. I sigh and run my hand through my hair as I pace our room, it might as well be my own since Ryder is never fucking here! I get barely any sleep cause I can't sleep without him, every time I try to, he pops into my mind and my wolf whines out for him.

I groan and then look at the clock again as my wolf whines. I hit my head on the bedposts and sigh, "Fuck it." I breathe and then then slip one of Ryder's large hoodies over my tank top and shorts, it fell down to my mid-thigh.

I walked out of our room and down the hall to the elevator. I stepped inside when it arrived and pressed the silver button that would take me to the seventh floor. I tapped my foot on the wooden floor as it moved down, subconsciously I bit down on my fingernails.

The elevator beeped every time it passed a floor until finally it dinged one last time before halting and the silver doors slowly yet smoothly slid open. I took a deep breath and stepped off the machine, silently making my way down the hallway.

I reach his office doors. The double doors were wooden with golden handles, on the right door was a gold plaque with Alpha Mathews engraved in it. I listened through the doors and heard some papers moving, the sounds of the keys on the keyboard clicking, and breathing.

I took another deep breath before I gently knocked on the wood. "Come in." Ryder's deep voice called out. I notice my hands are shaking, 'Why am I nervous?' I think to myself. I shake my head and slowly open his office door.

Ryder doesn't look up from the papers he's reading, "Yes?" he asked. I didn't say anything and just made my way over to him. I walked around his desk and gently placed my hand on his cheek. Ryder's eyes snapped up from his work to look at who had just touched him. I heard him sigh and relax his tense muscles when he realized it was me.

My wolf sighed in content and relaxed as well when she felt the touch of her mate. I caressed his cheek, feeling the stubble on his chin due to him not leaving his office for hours. What was so important that he wouldn't talk to me and stay locked away in a room for hours on end?

Ryder stared into my eyes for a few moments and I could see the tiredness in them. "What are you doing?" I asked him softly a few minutes later. I moved my hand from his cheek and ran it through his hair, which by the looks of it, has had a hand run through it multiple times.

"Nothing important." He said and closed his laptop before I could see what he was doing. I rolled my eyes, it didn't take a genius to realize something was up. Ryder hasn't been sleeping or eating, he is tense, and he stays in his office all the times. He was lying to me...again.

I shook my head sadly and sighed in disappointment. I moved away from him and stood behind his desk, looking out the window into the backyard. The wind was swaying the branches of the trees side to side. There were a few people outside, teenagers throwing a football, little kids running around and laughing, and moms and dads are just talking amongst themselves while watching their kids.

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