The Final Piece

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I spit out the liquid in my mouth, saliva and blood land a few feet away from my restrained body. I tug on the shackles and collapse back against the wall. "How many times do I have to say 'Fuck off' for you to get the message through your thick skull, mutt?" I emphasis the last word, knowing the belittlement infuriates him beyond belief.

My body flies to the left with the force of his punch and the shackles cut deeper into my skin, causing blood to trickle down my already bruised and cut arms. I hear his footsteps come closer but don't lift my head. His hand is suddenly around throat, holding me up. I am defenseless against him since my limbs have been locked down. I choke and cough for air, squirming in his arm. "How many times do I have to beat you to get what I want?" He growls and drops me, the shackles yet again cutting in, making me whimper as I wheeze in my breaths.

I feel tears in my eyes, but I push them away. I growl instead, "What more do you want, Elijah?" I yell. My eyes are glowing, the first sign of my wolf I've surely seen since we were in the hospital room. Elijah looks shocked, but then he smiles, wickedly.

"You, my dear."

I narrow my eyes, "You have me. So what do you really want?" Elijah nods his head and sighs.

"You're smart. But no, not you...more your wolf, your power." I frown and try to wrap my head around what he is trying to say. "My power?"

Elijah says nothing and walks over to a desk in the corner of the room. He opens a drawer and pulls out a small book. As he brings it closer, I can see it's old and fragile. He runs his fingers over very gently, like it is the most valuable thing in the world. He looks up at me, "Do you know what this is?"

'No, you dumbass. How would I know what that is?' When I say nothing, he turns the book around and it had the most intricate design of two wolves that looked just like Ryder and I's. On the bottom of the cover were some words too small for me to read. "This is a book about your kind, about Yin and Yang Wolves. It consist of tales of their origin, their symbols, their reasoning, and what I found most interesting, their power. More so, how to strip them of their powers and put it into a new host."

He puts the book in his back pocket and walks to where I'm kneeling. He grips my hair tight and yanks my head back, "So Jade, what I want is power, but I need yours and your mate's. Rest assure, I'll get it." He lets me go and my head falls forward. I hear his footsteps recede and the cell door open and slam shut.

'Shit' I think to myself. 'So what's his plan?'  Suddenly I stop as a voice other than mine enters my mind. "Jasmine." I whisper out loud accidentally, so relived to hear her once again. 'Jade, I am weak. I don't have much time. I need a boost and I got that. I've been trying to contact Ryder and Dalton and I think I got it through the silver enough for you to talk for a couple of moments.' Then she's gone. I take that as my cue to try.

'Ryder, baby, can you hear me? It's Jade?' I wait for a response and when one doesn't come quickly, I worry maybe Jasmine wasn't strong enough to get through. Tears fill my eyes and this time I don't blink them away. 'Ryder, please. Please hear me. Please, mi amor, please.' Then my tears fall.

'Jade?! Oh my god! Are you okay? Where are you? I love you!' I laugh for disbelief of hearing his voice yet again, the love of my life. 'I love you too! I'm okay. I don't have long, they are drugging me. I'm 250 miles North of the pack, that's all I know. I'm so sorry, Ryd-' 'Don't apologize baby. That's more than enough. I'm coming for you. I love you. I'll see you soon.' 

That's when it hits me. It all hits me. It's a trap. They told me where I was. They brought out Jasmine. They turned down the morphine.

'Ryder wait! It's a trap! Elijah just wants our power. Don't come, he's going to kill you too.'

I hear nothing. I try and try again, but nothing. I don't know if he got my message. I don't know if he is leading himself and our people into a death trap. I just hope to all the Gods and Goddess out there that we are stronger. I know we are stronger...please be stronger, Ryder.

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