Say Again?

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You have been warned of the sexual encounters that may/will from here to the end of the story. I kept it as PG as a sex scene could get. Continue on.


I sigh at the heat that warms my body. I peel my eyes open slowly and blink quickly to get used to the bright morning sun. I look around and smile when my eyes settle on my mate, now fiancé,  sleeping peacefully. I lay my head on his shoulder and my left hand on his bare chest. I can't help but stare at how beautifully my engagement ring shines in the morning light. It sounds so foreign to say that.

'It's about time you two finally did something. Dalton and I have been waiting.' my wolf says teasingly, but I can hear the happiness in her voice. I chuckle and run my fingers over Ryder's chest softly. I listen to his even breaths and his heart beating. I hold him with the smile never leaving, it was as though it was tattooed onto my face.

I don't know how long I lay there before I feel Ryder's fingers run gently up my back causing me to shiver. "Good morning my queen." I look up at Ryder, "Good morning Amor." I say. Ryder leans down and kisses my lips gently. I turn my body and press my lips firmly against him. Ryder groans and pulls away a few centimeters, "You are driving me crazy." he whispers huskily. I then realize that we are still completely naked from last night.

A blush paints my cheeks and I hide my face in Ryder's neck. Ryder's hand pushes my hair behind my ear and then tilts my head up to look at him. I could see the lust in his eyes and I'm not going to was a complete turn on. He growled lowly and planted his soft lips on mine. I slowly place soft kisses down his jaw and then down his neck. Ryder squeeze my waist as I suck on his neck. I see my mark on him and smile brightly, it was beautiful. It was a Queen's crown that had the letter J written inside of the crown in fancy cursive. The entire thing was engraved in silver. "It's beautiful." I whisper and place a soft kiss on the mark.

Ryder let out a husky moan and it was one of the sexiest sounds I have ever heard. I smirked against his skin as I felt him grow excited. His hands traveled up my bare body as I suck on his mark. Ryder growls and then suddenly flips us over so his larger body towers over my smaller frame. His lips attacks mine and nip at my bottom lip, I moan at the sensation of the sparks erupting all over my body. His hands reach my breasts and massage them gently.

I roll my head back and pant. Ryder grazes his teeth over my mark which intensifies the pleasure. I raise my legs and wrap them around Ryder's hips, pulling his body even closer to mine. He continues to suck my mark and it makes me groan and raise my hips to his. Ryder bites down and I moan loudly. Ryder sucks up my skin until he is back to my lips. He kisses me passionately before pulling back and looking at me in the eyes, "Amo quel suono." (I love that sound), he says seductively.

Ryder slowly eases himself inside me and I scratch down his back. Ryder kisses my lips so softly and caresses my body so gently, like if he touched me to hard I would smash into millions of pieces. He slowly moved in and out of me, kissing my upper body with feather like kisses. I run my hand through his tousled silky hair. He placed a soft kiss under my ear as I moaned his name which made him growl sexily in my ear. His hands went back to massage my breasts and his fingers rubbed my nipples.

Ryder kept making slow and sweet love to me. I felt my core heat up and I threw my head back, "Ryder." I cried out. "Fuck." Ryder muttered under his breath with one last push inside me. He laid his head on my shoulder as we both caught our breath and calmed out racing hearts. Moments later Ryder places his swollen lips on my mark and a pleasured shiver runs through my body. Ryder chuckles as he feels this and looks at my face. He stares at me lovingly and runs his thumb over my red lips. "I never knew I could love one person so much." he says out loud as he looks over my face.

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