Forced To Leave

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I look into Ryder's eyes and he looks into mine. How? How is this even possible? There must be some mistake - I feel lightheaded.

Well, this explains how I was able to resist his command. He's a Yin Yang wolf, just like me. 

I watch, frozen, as his eyes take in each of my features. One of his hands leaves my waist and returns its warmth to my cheek. His knuckles skim softly against my skin from my cheekbone to my chin, leaving a path of cold in its absence. His eyes shine with...fascination.

He pulls his hand away, seeming to notice I was frozen. "Jade?" he prompts. I shiver as my name rolls off his tongue. I look into his eyes and shake my head. I step out of his embrace and brace myself up against the counter.

My mate, a man who I have blamed for my parents' deaths. Logically and reasonably, it was the rouges that killed them. Emotionally, I know we are the strongest pack in the werewolf kingdom, meaning we are the main line of defense for the Royals. I look at Ryder's face and I see hurt, however, it quickly disappears. A blank expression now replaces the emotion.

It is quiet for a moment and then his voice rings in the room. "Pack your things. We are heading back to the castle tonight."

I snap my eyes to his. "What?" I ask incredulously. Is he joking? He has to be joking. He and his Delta must have similar senses of humor.

Ryder straightens his stance and crosses his arms across his chest, making his muscles ripple through his shirt. I surprise myself by not breaking eye contact. "Pack your things. We are leaving in three hours," he repeats.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "No," I tell him firmly.

He raises his eyebrow in question. "What do you mean 'no'?"

I stand straighter - I'm 5'10, but he still towers over me. "I mean exactly that. I'm not leaving. My family and friends are here. This is my home," I explain to him.

He growls lowly in his chest. "You are leaving with me. I can drive you or I can drag you, but you are coming with me mate," he commands using his Alpha voice. I glare deeply into his eyes and he glares back. His Alpha Command doesn't affect me, but I can't believe this man just tried to command me to leave with him. If I was anyone else, he could have done the command and it would have worked perfectly.

"I said no, Mathews," I reiterate firmly.

My confidence wavers when slowly, a smirk forms on Ryder's face. He lets his arms fall by his side and looks over my body from head to toe. He then turns and walks to the kitchen doorway, but pauses there. He looks at me with that same stupid, sexy smirk on his face. "You don't have a choice." With that, he walks out of sight.

I stand in the kitchen for...who knows how long before I finally can walk again. With the feeling of my legs, another feeling familiar returns: rage.

I run upstairs and slam my door, shaking the frame violently. Add Ryder Mathews to the list of the damned! He'll fit right in with my asshole brother and his sexist Delta. I feel the anger pumping in my veins, pushing me to act on these feelings. This time the victim is my bedside lamp. I storm over, pick up the lamp, and chuck it against the closet door.

The poor thing shatters into a million pieces and I stand there breathing heavily. I roll my eyes, annoyed by the entire situation. I try to clean up the glass shards as best I can, but give up when I cut my finger for the fifth time.

I sit on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. There has to be a way out of this. He can't really force me to go...can he? I'm a Yin Yang werewolf for crying out loud...but my family isn't. If Ryder is anything like what I've heard he is, I can't trust that my family would be safe if I were to try and escape. 

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