Epilogue: 4 Years Later

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"Atarah, Mattathias! We have to go. We cannot be late!" Ryder's voice echoes throughout the tenth floor of the castle.  I walk around our living room, scanning over possible hiding spots as I hear Ryder sigh, exasperated. I put my hands on my hips, "If you two are not standing in front of me in the next five seconds, there will no playing with Tyler outside!"

As if their feet were on fire, the twins come racing into the room and stop right in front of me. I cross my arms across my chest, "Where were you two hiding?" The both smile sheepishly, "Under your bed." I shake my head and squat down to their height, "Look at you two. You're all dirty and dusty." I wipe at their clothes, trying to rid Atarah's dress and Mattathias's suit of the grime.

"Mea lux, we've got to head down now or we will be late." Ryder states, glancing at his watch. I stand up, smoothing out my own dress. "Babitas, go with your father, I'll be down in a moment." The two shoot out of the room leaving a trail of laughter behind them. I smile after them, glancing at Ryder who was rolling his eyes.

I chuckle and walk over to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pecking his cheek. I wipe at the smear of lipstick that remains of his cheek, "Don't you remember when you were excited about having twins?" I laugh and turn toward our bedroom door. A sting resounds on my butt and I send a mock glare Ryder's way. He only winks and hurries the way our two tricksters ran.

I walk inside our room and open the closet door. I reach behind my fancy dress, the ones I rarely wear but Ryder insisted I have, and feel for the familiar box. I sigh, reading over the familiar title and directions. I walk out of the closet and over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I sigh heavily and sit on the toilet, I place the stick under me and let go to town. I pull it from under me and sit it on the counter. Starting the two minutes of waiting, the ones that felt like the longest minutes of my life.

The second hand on my watch reaches the 12 for the second time. I take in a deep breath, shaking my head. Whatever happens, happens. I pick up the stick, staring at the ceiling for a moment before I focus my gaze on the plastic stick that has the power to change lives.

"Pregnant." I breathe out the word that appears in the small screen. Well shit, here we go again. To wrapped up in my own world of how I was going to proceed, the bathroom door swings open. "Jade are you in her-" I snap my head up and lock gazes with my husband. I open my mouth to make words, but nothing comes out. No words, no sounds, no explanations.

Ryder comes over to me. The only thing between us is the pregnancy test, announcing a new member of our family. I watch his eyes travel down between us, staying there for a moment. When he lifts his head again, a huge grin is spread across his face. It automatically brings me relief, seeing my mate pleased at a new baby.

"You're pregnant?" He questions even though the proof sits in my hands. I nod and can't help the smile that grows on my face. "Yes," I confirm. Ryder laughs loudly and wraps his arms around my waist, spinning me around our spacious bathroom. Ryder stops spinning us only to place a passionate kiss on my lips. When we pull apart, I slide down his body. "You look like you're wearing lipstick." I giggle.

Ryder shrugs and pecks my lips again, "I don't care. I want the world to know you are my mate, my pregnant mate as of today." I smile at him lovingly, but I realize something. "What's with the look?" Ryder asks. I stare into his eyes, "What if we have another set of twins?"

A look that I'm sure matched my own just a moment ago. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me. I look up my husband and smile, "We'll be okay, we are always okay." Ryder smiles down at me and places another kiss against my lips. "I love you, mea lux." I smile brightly, "Te amo mucho, amor."

I reach up and swipe my fingers across his lips, "While you may be okay with everyone knowing you like to make out with me, I would still rather them think you kiss the ground I walk on and not my lips. That especially goes for our children." I fix my gaze on the face of my watch,  "Okay we are definitely late now." I chuckle.

Ryder laughs with me, "Late to our own 5 year anniversary party, that has got to say something about us." I roll my eyes, "Let's go before the send the search party." Ryder fixes his tie in the mirror as I touch up my lipstick. "So should we tell everyone tonight about the newest arrival?"

I nod, "My brothers are going to eat you alive." We laugh and he wraps his arms around me from behind, rest his hands on my stomach. "Good thing I'm a fast runner and, ya know, the Alpha King."

I stare at our reflection, "So much has changed in the past five years. We found each other. We have Atarah and Mattathias, not to mention our new one on the way. I was," I take a deep breath, "kidnapped. Cameron and Wyatt got married. Jason and Krista are married with a one year old. It's just like someone hit the fast forward button and everything happened in a moment." Ryder nods as he listens to me voice my thoughts.

"Yes, it has all happened so fast, but I want you to know that love you, our children, and our families. No matter how fast or slow all this goes, that will never change." I smile softly, knowing his words were nothing but the truth and at the fact that could have never said it better. I know that no matter what, I am his and he is mine and we have the most beautiful family.

"Boy was I lucky to be mated to the Alpha King." I say, placing my hands over his. "I think it was I who was lucky to be mated to you." I smile up at his, leaning my head against his shoulder, "You right." I say seriously and then break out laughing. Ryder "pushes" me away and then laughs with me.

My life with the Alpha King is nothing short of Royal.

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