In Only A Moment

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"Luna, it's about time to start pushing."

I growl at Rachel, "I think the contractions tearing through uterus that are making me want to rip everyone's heads off are a sure sign of that, Doctor." I clench my jaw and breathe deeply. Holy. Fucking. Shit. This hurts. I thought I had been through pain, emotional and physical, but boy oh boy does this take the cake. 

Ryder reaches over and takes my hand while pushing my hair back from my sweaty forehead, "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here. Just squeeze my hand when you feel pain, mea lux." I whimper and squeeze his hand...and really damn hard. "God Jade." Ryder's face contorts into one of pain.

I roll my eyes, "I'm sorry but on the other hand, multiply that pain by a thousand and place that it in your scrotum and you just maybe will be roughly about where I am right now." I settle back down when the contraction ends.

I watch Rachel's eyes flicker with humor as well as her lip twitch slightly. I sigh and shake my from side to side, "Man I'm a bitch when I'm pregnant."

Across the room, Jason lets a laugh out. I could tell he didn't mean to by the way he quickly snapped his mouth shut and Krista swung her hand out to hit his chest. I also saw Cameron trying not to laugh by hiding his face in Wyatt's neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, my dear brothers. Jason waits until Krista is in labor and then it'll be my turn to laugh. Oh and Cameron, should I mention when I walked in on you trying to give- " "Okay! Okay! Sorry, we're sorry!" Cameron shouts over me. I start to laugh with them but cut off by the unmistakable pain in my stomach. "Oh my God!" I cry out. Everyone stopped laughing at once and Rachel looked over at the chart that focused on the babies' stats.

She looks over at me and smiles, "It's pushing time, Luna. Everyone except the Alpha, out." I do the practiced breathing technique and squeeze Ryder's hand again. Jason walks over to me a squeezes my free hand.

He leans down and kisses my forehead, "You've got this Snow. We are all cheering for you and our niece and nephew." He pulls back and smiles sadly at me, "Mom and Dad would have loved to be here for you in person, but you gotta know they are still here, always." Tears fill my eyes and I nod with a shaky smile.

"I know," I whisper.  He squeezes my hand once more, "Love you kid." Jason has always been the strongest one out of all of us, especially after our parents died, but I could see the tears swimming in his eyes. He turns and grabs Krista's hand before walking out of the room together.

Cameron stands with Wyatt and comes to kiss my forehead as well. "I love you, Jay Jay." He then leaves with Wyatt.

Now it was just me, Ryder, Rachel, Kelly, and George who were the assisting nurses. George was the only other male allowed in the room by Ryder besides my brothers because he was gay. His eyes turned silver when any other guy got close. The only reason Ryder relented and let George in is that there were no other available female nurses. Apparently, there had been a large mishap with a bunch of kids playing soccer. Everyone would be fine, but they need all hands on deck.

Kelly and George help me lift my feet into the stirrups as Rachel settles between my legs. She is decked out in scrubs, booties, and whatever else they need. She lifts the mask onto her face and looks at me, "You ready, Luna?" I let out a shakily chuckle, "Usually I make a person take me on a date before they get this close to my vagina, but sure. I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Rachel laughs and holds out her hands. Kelly and Geroge each place a glove on her hands. "In that case, let's do this. When your next contraction hits, push with everything you've got." I nod and swallow hard, okay I can do this...I can do this...this is gonna hurt like a bitch.

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