Our Babies

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Two weeks. Only two weeks later and my stomach has grown even more. It is at the point now that if I wore anything but loose and oversized clothes, you would be able to tell I've gotten either a lot fatter or I'm pregnant. It was now time for my second ultrasound and I still haven't told Ryder. I have to tell him. My wolf wants to tell him. Hell, I want to tell him, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

I sneak off to the hospital and meet Rachel in the same room as last time. I lay on the table and pull up my shirt as she puts on the gel and place the wand on my stomach, moving it around and looking at the screen. I watch her and the screen. I noticed the confusion on her face a my heart starts racing and I become worried. "What's wrong?" I ask.

Rachel shakes her head and turns to me with a smile, "Absolutely nothing. You are coming along perfectly, just like a woman who is having twins should." She says. My eyes widen, "Twins?" I ask in a whisper. She smiles and nods that the screen, "Yes Ma'am." She leans forward and starts to point out things on the screen. "Here is baby A's arms, then it's feet, it's head. Baby B is here, arms, legs and feet, head." She as she pointed everything about to me.

I smile and let out a tearful laugh. My babies. I finally see both of my babies. My wolf barked happily and I get the thought that I wish Ryder was here with me. I knew it was my fault that he wasn't here, I was depriving him of this moment. I was going to tell him right after the appointment was over. "Can I have pictures?" I ask her. "Absolutely." She says and prints me out the ultrasound pictures. I smile at my babies as she wipes the gel from my stomach. I sit up and cover up my stomach with one of Ryder's hoodies.

"I'll see you again in two weeks. Both babies are healthy. At this next appointment, I believe we can find out the genders if you wish to know." She tells me. I smile and thank her before leaving the hospital in search for Ryder. My heart was racing. Would he be mad that I hadn't told him sooner? Oh God, what if he didn't want to have children right now? 'Jade calm down. Deep breaths. They are going to love our pups. Everything is going to be fine.' My wolf soothed me. I did what she said and sniffed for Ryder's scent. I followed it to our floor, yes, after all this time here, I didn't realize that the entire tenth floor was for the King and Queen. It had a kitchen and living room as well as multiple bedrooms. I really have to take a day to explore this damn castle.

I smelled some delicious food and walked into our kitchen where Ryder was cooking and bobbing his head to some music playing in the background. I went up behind him and kissed his shoulder considering he was shirtless. "Hola amor." I whisper. Ryder looks over his shoulder at me, "Hello mea lux." He said. I leaned up and pecked his cheek before walking around to sit at the bar to watch him cook. It was the late afternoon so I guess he was making...Linner? Lunch and Dinner? I don't know.

I watched him silently while he was in his own little world. Around twenty minutes later he was done with whatever he had been cooking because he pulled something out of the oven and pot and started placing things on plates. A moment later he sat the plate in front of me, it was white rice with some chicken on top of it and sauce covering it. "Homemade teriyaki chicken and white rice." He told me. I smiled, "It looks amazing." I said and took at bite. "And it tastes even better." I tell him and continue to eat. Ryder chuckles and takes a seat next to me as we eat in silence.

I put down my fork and look over to see Ryder watching me with a smile. "What?" I ask and he shakes his head. "So where did you disappear off to this afternoon mil lady?" he asks. I feel my heart race again and I take a deep breath, reminding myself of what my wolf said. "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I said cautiously. Ryder looked at me confused, "Talk about what? Is something wrong?" he asks and takes one of my hands in his.

I shake my head, "No." I said hesitantly. "Is it something bad?" he asks worriedly. I immediately shake my head, "No, no. At least I hope it isn't." I tell him. "Jade just tell me." He says and squeezes my hand. I look into his loving ocean blue eyes and relax. I smile and take my free hand to grab the ultrasound pictures from the hoodie pocket. I glance at them before handing them over to Ryder.

Ryder slowly takes them and looks through them. When he finished he looks at me and shakes his head slightly, "What's this?" I smile at the pictures in his hands. I stand up and take on of his hands. I lift up the hoodie and gently place his hand on my baby bump. "Those are our babies Ryder. I'm pregnant, with twins." I say as I search his eyes. He eyes stare at my popped out belly and then the pictures. After a moment, he looks up into my eyes. "Are you serious?" he asks and I get nervous when I can't read how he is feeling.

I nod slowly, "Yes. I found out two weeks ago. I know I should have told you but I was so scared because I was pregnant. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know how you would react. I went to the ultrasound today and I found out that we were having twins. I couldn't help but think about how much I wanted you there so I made the decision to tell you after. So now we are here, the after." I rant out in one breath. Ryder stares at my stomach and runs his hands over it gently.

"My children are in here?" he asks me, his eyes never leaving my stomach. I smile softly and nod, "Yes." I say simply. A smile overtakes his face and he looks into my eyes. "I'm a dad." He says and I nod. Ryder jumps up and wraps me in a hug, swinging me around, "We are going to be parents!" he shouts and I laugh. Ryder sits me down and crashes his lips down on mine happily.

I kiss him back passionately. When pulls back he places both hands on the sides of my stomach, "I love you. I love all three of you." he says, he eyes never leaving mine. Happy tears fill my eyes and I laugh softly, "We love you too Mi Rey." I say. He chuckles and glances down at my stomach, "We are going to parents." he whispers. I nod and place my hands on top his,  "That we are." I agree. "What genders do you think they are?" I ask him.

Ryder crouches down so he level with my stomach. "I want a boy and girl. A  prince and princess." he says lovingly. I nod, I wanted the same, but I would love my children no matter their gender. Ryder peppers my baby bump with kisses and a giggle. "The doctor said my pregnancy wouldn't be as long as others. Since I'm an alpha child, and you are the Alpha King, plus the fact that we are Yin Yang Wolves. She said four to five months. I'm almost at two." I tell him. Ryder smiles up at me, "So we need to get a move on things." he says and I nod in agreement. The wedding and coronation were going to have to happen sooner than planned.

"You better call your mother and father. That and we have some news to tell everyone else. Barely anyone even knows that we are engaged." I let out a chuckle because we have been so busy since we got back, well I have been trying to deal with my pregnant situation. Ryder nods and stands back up, "I will tomorrow but for now, you and the babies need to get some rest." he says and picks me up bridal style. I roll my eyes, "Ryder I'm pregnant, not paralyzed. Put me down." I say and squirm around. "Be still Jade. I don't want you to fall." he says as he walks into our bedroom and lays me down gently on the bed. Ryder climbs in next to me and wraps his arms around me. One arm under my head and the other wrapped around my belly protectively. I love Ryder and how much he already loved our twins, but I could already see the future arguments to come as my eyes fell closed.

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