Never Saw It Coming

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I picked up the Sprite bottle next to me and chucked it at Cassie's head. With my amazing aim, it hits her forehead exactly and drops to the ground with a thunk. "Ow, Jade." She glares at me as she rubs her forehead.

I smile innocently at her, "What?" Brayden crawls over to my weapon of choice and starts hitting it together with his plastic car. "Ya know if I had known that I would be abused when I starting becoming one of your best friends, I might have reconsidered."

I shake my head and sigh dramatically, "Cass, it's only been two weeks and you are already having these thoughts. You're weak! You are stuck with me...forever!" I laugh evilly. When I am met with silence, I look back at her and she stares at me with a weird look. I raise my eyebrows, "What?"

"Bedrest has made you crazier." Brayden hits himself in the face with the bottle by accident and starts to cry. Cassie chuckles and picks him, "Oh baby, you're okay. Sssshhhhhhh." She holds him close and rubs his back. Brayden keeps on crying. "There there, sweet boy. Mommy's got you. Hush now." She starts bouncing him up and down then he just stops crying.

She smiles down at him and keeps on rocking him. "How did you do that?" I ask her incredulously. Cassie smiles and shrugs, "I just learned over time what calms him. When I rub his back and bounce him up and down while soothing him, he calms down. That or if I tickle his little feet." She runs her fingers over Brayden foot and he burst out into giggles.

I lay back and throw my hands dramatically to the side, "Cass...what am I going to do? I know nothing about being a mom. Hell, I-I don't know how to do anything. The diapers, the feeding, the playing, the calming, the keeping happy. They aren't even born yet. They should be born by now. I can't even deliver my own children. How am I supposed to take care of them?"

"Jade. Jade. Jade!" I didn't even notice Cassie puts Brayden down and moves over to me. I also didn't notice that my breathing picked up by tenfold and that my eyes were now filled with tears. "Hey, you gotta calm down. You know what this anxiety does to you. It puts you and the babies at risk. It's okay."

God, I want to calm down. I hate feeling like this. I know what can happen if I have another anxiety attack. "I-I am trying." I take a deep and slow breath. 'Relax Jade.' Jasmine's voice washes over me. Even though her voice calmed me slightly, I was still freaking out. I look up at Cassie, "Talk to me."

She frowns, the concern and confusion obvious on her face, "About what?"

I shake my head, "Anything, just talk to me. Take my mind off of my anxiety. It'll give me something else to focus on. Please." I tell her, shakily.

She nods, "Uh o-okay. Um...Oh! So when Aaron and I still lived in our old pack, before I got pregnant, we went on regular dates. You know some cliche, like going on a picnic to the park and walking on the beach at sunset, but there was this one time Aaron planned a surprise date." She starts chuckling to herself.

"He put me in the car and the next thing I know we are at Dave & Buster's. Of course Aaron, underneath all of his macho, is a huge kid. So everything was going great, we were having the best time, and then we go over to the place where you can shoot basketballs. I suck at all sports, but Aaron takes every sport serious, except golf, he wants everyone to know that golf sucks. Anyways, he was shooting ball after ball, like the athlete is. He was so close to beating the highest score they had...and then he threw a ball and it came back and hit him straight in the face." She busts out laughing as soon as the words are out of her mouth. I join her as well, my mind playing it out perfectly.

Tears well up in my eyes and wheeze in my breaths. "Oh, God. That is so funny. I wish that was caught on video." I think about it again and break out into another laughing fit. That triggered Cassie into one of her own. 

Then I freeze, "Oh my God. Holy shit."

Cassie keeps laughing, wiping away her tears. "I know. At the time, I was concerned for his nose, but when I realized he was fine I almost died from laughing too hard."

"No, no, no, no, no, no. Not 'Oh my God. Holy Shit.' that's funny. I mean 'Oh my God. Holy shit.' I think my water just broke." I look up at her confused eyes and then I see the shift in them.

"Oh...OH! Okay, just stay calm. I'm going to grab the bag and mind link Ryder. Then we are going to walk over to the hospital. You're water only now just broke, so we should have a little bit before your contractions start." She jumps up and picks up my prepared baby bag. She turns and picks up Brayden, putting him on her hip.

Cassie looks back over to me. While she has everything planned, I am going into shut down mode. Cassie walks back over to me with a knowing smile on her face. She sits down next to me and pats my hand, which is laying on my stomach. "Jade, honey, it's time. You're gonna be a mom. Your babies are coming into the world."

'Finally.' Jasmine whispers. I sigh heavily and then smile. I feel the tears pour down my face, "Oh wow. I'm going to be a mom."

Cassie chuckles and nods, "Yes you are. You ready to do this?"

I nod and choke out a yes. It was time to meet my children face to face.

Aaron barrels into the room, "I'm here! I heard, congratulations Jade! Okay so, should I carry her? Should I help her walk? No, she shouldn't walk. I'll carry her. Wait, Jade do you mind if I carry you?" Aaron keeps on rambling, pacing through the room.

I raise my eyebrows and looks at Cassie who is shaking her head. She looks at me and I see some memory twinkling in her eyes, "You should have seen him with I went into labor. He almost passed out from talking so much." I chuckle at them both.

I clear my throat, "Aaron?" He keeps pacing and mumbling. "Aaron!" I call out loudly.

His head snaps to me and his ears redden, "Sorry Luna."

I smile and a small giggle slips out, "It's fine." I move slightly in discomfort. "If you could help me up and then wait in the hall while I change." His blush burns even more brightly, but he rushes over to help me anyways. He wraps his arm around back and grabs my elbow. He slowly helps me stand and then suddenly a loud growl rips through the room.

We all look over to an angry Ryder who is glaring at Aaron with a very strong intensity. In a blink of an eye, he is next to me, gently pulling me out of Aaron touch. I bite my lip to keep from giggling and I roll my eyes. "Do forgive. Aaron, I'm sure you remember the possessiveness that comes with a pregnant mate."

Aaron looks down when his eyes grow darker, obviously remembering that time. Cassie, on the other hand, rolls her eyes. I look up at Ryder, 'Amor, he was just helping me stand. He is mated and has a child. I'm yours.' I tell him through our link.

Ryder takes a deep breath in and his eyes fade from their silver and back to the lovely blue they are. He smiles and I know my Ryder is back. "Our babies are coming." He leans down and touches our foreheads together. I breathe in his smell and all of my previous anxieties are hushed.

"Yes, they are," I whisper. I look up into his eyes and I hear a door close. Ryder leans down and softly kisses my lips, caressing my face with one and then using the other to wrap around my very wide body.

Ryder pulls back only slightly, enough so he can talk, "Are you ready baby?" I smile and giggle lightly, "As I'll ever be." He pecks my lips again, "Then let's go have our children."

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