Mr. T

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I wake to my phone ringing. I look at the time to see it is 7 AM. I groan and grab my phone, I look at the screen and scrunch my eyebrows.

Private Number Calling...

I hesitate before answering and I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I ask tiredly, seeing as I just woke up.


"Hello?" I say into the phone again but this time more alert.


"Look I don't have time for this. Speak now or piss off." I say angrily into the phone. There is still nothing, as I go to hanging up the phone, a dark chuckle sounds through the phone. I instantly am on high alert.

"Who the hell is this?" I growl into the phone. All I heard was another chuckle.

"Always the impatient one you are. Lets not forget easily angered." A guy's voice said. I stood up and did a quick scan of the room I was staying in because of instinct. "As I already asked, who the hell are you? I don't see it quite fair as you know who I am and I don't know you." I said icily. The guy laughed, "Life isn't fair, or have you not figured that out yet?" I growled into the phone, "Who the fuck are you?! How do you know who I am?!" I yell at the man.

"All in good time, Luna, all in good time. I must go now but we will speak soon." he said and before I could reply the line had gone dead. I stare at my phone for a few minutes and then was pulled from my trace by a knock on the door. I shook my head and tossed my phone back on the bed then walked to the door and opened it.

"What is it Cam?" I asked my younger brother. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Who were you talking to?" he asked suspiciously. My mind immediately went to the phone call I had just received, "I wasn't talking to anyone Cameron. I talk to myself a lot, you remember how I always did that when we were little." I lie to him. Cam looks at me for a second before nodding, "Okay. So you coming down for breakfast?" he asked me.

I open my mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of my stomach growling, "I guess that answers the question." I tell him. Cameron chuckles, "Yes it does." I roll my eyes, "Shut up. Anyways I'll be there in a few." I say, he nods and walks away towards the kitchen.

I close the door and walk to the bathroom. I step in and quickly undress and get in the shower. I wash my hair and body and get out. I dry myself and think of an outfit to wear.

I look through my suitcase and choose a white bandeau, a navy blue tank top, light blue faded jeans with rips at the knee and lower thigh, and some white flats.

I straighten my hair and do a waterfall braid. I slip on a silver necklace with a silver wolf howling up and a pair of silver earrings. I put on mascara, eyeliner, navy blue eyeshadow, and some clear lipgloss . I nod at my reflect before grabbing my phone and shoving it in my back pocket.

I open the door and make my way to the kitchen by memory. I walk in and see my brothers, Evan, Sean, some of the guys Cameron hangs out with, and the kitchen staff which included Brooke.

Everyone looked up when I enter, most of them having surprised looks on their faces to which I just rolled my eyes at them. I looked over at Brooke and smiled softly. Brooke smiled back brightly at me, "Nice to see you again Jade." She says. I smile and nod, "Ditto. I haven't seen you since you told me where to find Ryder's office, how fun that was." I say and laugh softly at the memory.

Brooke only smiled, "Yes indeed it was." I nod and sit down beside Jason who was now eating some pancakes, "Hello brother." I say. "Hello sister." he says back. I chuckle and lean back in my chair. "Here you are Luna." A gentle voice spoke.

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