Stressed Out

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I sigh as I wake and reposition myself into a more comfortable position. "Jade? Are you awake?" A voice asks. "Do I have to be?" I ask as I lay my arm over my eyes. A dull ache echoes in my chest and take a sharp breath in. I take my hand away from my eyes and start to sit up. "Whoa there, maybe it's best if you lay down." I glance over at Cameron. "No, I need to sit up," I tell him.

Cameron puts his arm around my back and helps me sit up until I can lean back on the headboard. I am in my room. "Where's Ryder? What happened? Are my babies okay? Oh, my God-are they okay? Please tell me they are o-" "Hey hey hey hey hey Jay, calm down and breathe."

"Cameron I need to know," I say and look frantically into his eyes. Cameron gives me a gentle smile, "I know Jay. I've already linked Ryder. He and the pack doctor are on the way. They were talking about what's going on." I start to breathe faster and the ache in my chest makes itself more known, "What's going on? Cam, tell me, please. Are my kids okay?" I plead with him and carefully rub my bulging belly.

Cameron starts to say something, but the bedroom door flings open and Ryder is by my side in a matter of milliseconds. I look at him with wide eyes, "Ryder what's wrong?" The ache in my chest continues to grow and I close my eyes in pain. Ryder smooths down my hair and places his hand on my stomach, "Baby you have got to calm down. If you don't you'll hurt yourself and the babies."

A wave of panic washes over me and the pain hits me harder. "Jade listen to me. Listen to my voice. Breathe with me. It's okay, I'm right here." I clench my jaw I focus on his hand gently rubbing my back. I take a deep breath through my nose and Ryder's scent relaxes me.

"Good mea lux, good." he says and wraps his arms around me. I hear feet shuffle across the floor and when I open my eyes, I watch Cameron walk out of the room with Wyatt by his side. As they leave, Rachel walks in with a bag in hand. When the door closes and Rachel is by the bed, I finally break.

"Will someone, for the love of God, please tell me what's happening to me and my children?" I ask and focus on keeping my breathing steady. "Tell me what's going on." I tell her, getting frustated.

"Luna it is important for you to calm down and stay relaxed." Rachel says with her professional tone. A growl pushes its way out of my throat. "With all due respect Rachel, there is a problem with me or my babies and nobody wants to tell me anything. I have been awake for less than five minutes and if one more person tells me to calm down, I'm gonna have to punch them in the throat." I say in all seriousness. "I'm pregnant, hormonal, in pain, and full of panic. So in the next five seconds, someone better start talking."

Rachel gives me a polite smile, "That's very understandable Luna." Ryder kisses my temple and pulls me closer to him. Rachel sits on the edge of my bed, "Well to sum it up, you are very stressed out. If I understand correctly, you have the Coronation, the wedding, and the upcoming birth of your twins to prepare for. All of that has shot your stress level up to a dangerous level for you and your twins. There's a reason your wolf isn't talking to you at the moment."

I shake my head, confused, "What do you mean?"

"Okay think of it like this. If you had a cold, your wolf could automatically heal you because a cold is a physical illness. Now think of stress and anxiety as a mental illness. Now you and your wolf share the same mind, therefore, if you have stress and anxiety so does your wolf. Now there are things to heal stress and anxiety but not supernatural werewolf healing powers. In summary you and your wolf have to learn to control your stress and anxiety to eventually heal it. This is just a temporary thing, but this level can bring danger to you and/or your twins. Does that make any sense to you?"

I process this information and nod my head slowly, breathing carefully. I subconsciously wrap my arms protectively around my stomach. Ryder notices the movement and traces small patterns on my back, an attempt to calm me down. "Okay so what do I do now to prevent anything from happening to our babies?" I say and take one of Ryder's hands, squeezing it lightly.

"Well the best thing for you to do is not to cause yourself anymore stress or anxiety. It is highly recommended that you stay off your feet as much as possible. Lots of bed rest is a good idea as well." She informs me. I nod, "Okay. Thank you for coming Rachel." I say politely. She smiles and pats me on the leg, "You're welcome dear." She stands with her bag and bows her head to Ryder and I. "Remember, bed rest and no more stress Luna." "Yes, thank you again." She smiles one last time and walks out of the room.

I stare down at my stomach and fresh tears sting my eyes. My babies, my innocent little babies. How could I let this happen to you? I'm sorry little ones. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to you.

"Baby, don't cry. Everything's okay, the babies are okay, you're okay." Ryder tells me. I look up at him, "I hurt them Ryder. I put them in unnecessary danger. I could've killed our babies." The tears start falling before I can register them and then they turn into sobs. "No Jade, God no."

Ryder picks me up and sits me in his lap, wrapping his arms around me. Ryder rocks us back and forth as I cry. "This isn't your fault. Everything has been pushed on you so suddenly. I'm sorry I have been too busy to help. Just don't cry mea lux. You've done nothing wrong, you're perfect. This happens to many people. Especially if a person is having twins. Everything is okay and everything will be okay."

I continue to cry silently as my mate holds me, but no matter what he says, I can't stop thinking about how bad of a mother I am already and my children haven't been born.


Hours pass and now Ryder is currently asleep next to me. How can I sleep knowing that I've hurt my children? Knowing that I put my babies at risk because I can't handle a little stress?

I am meant to become Queen within the next month or so. Every werewolf in the world is going to look up to me. Ryder and I will be in charge on millions of beings. How Ryder does it is beyond me. He was meant for this. He is strong and can handle this. He handles everything calmly and accordingly. Like a King should.

I get too emotional. I get too worked up. I just...I don't think I'm cut out for this.

How can I do this? Raise two kids and run a kingdom when I can't even do the simplest parts.

The dull ache returns and I silently let the tears fall as the fear of what I am doing to my innocent babies returns with it. I breathe slowly and evenly, I need to relax. I can't think like this.

'Breathe Jade. Think of our pups. We are strong. We can do this.'

'Jasmine! I am so happy you're back. I don't think I can do this.' I tell her the a sob racks my body, making me shake.

'Yes you can. I will be with you through all of this. You have a family to think about now. You have friends and family that will help you. You don't have to do this on your own. You are the future Queen of Werewolves. It is a learning experience. You don't think Ryder needs help? That's where you come in Honey. We can do this. I have never lied to you and I won't start now.'

I sniff and wipe my eyes. 'I love you Jaz.' 'I love you too Jade.'

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