Guess Who's Back?

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A Month Later...
I am running through the dark forest of The Royal Pack's land. Today is Cameron's birthday and like promised I'm coming back.

I masked my scent when I crossed the California border. For the past month I've been in Washington. When I left all I could think about was getting as far as I could from the Royal Pack but I needed to stay close in case anything happened. Washington was close to The Royal Pack and The Lunar Shadow Pack to keep an eye on them, but far enough for me to stay unnoticed. The packs are in California by the way.

I sniff and I know I'm not far from the Castle. Let me tell you, this border patrol sucks ass. Given that I masked my scent and I'm super fast but still.

When I could hear music and smell food I stopped and shifted back into my human form with my choice of clothes on with make up and jewelry (Above). I'm still basically the same except the fact that my eyes are electric blue with a silver ring around it and the blue portion has flecks of silver in it.

I walk towards the Castle and I feel Jasmine getting restless. 'We are here for Cameron, not him.' I tell her. Jasmine sighs sadly in my head, 'I know...I just can't help it.' She says sadly. 'I understand Jaz but we have to stay strong.' I tell her and my attention is brought to the sight in front of me.

Tons of people in the backyard of the Castle. Lights are hung everywhere and people are dancing and laughing and talking. Basically everyone is having an awesome time.

I scan the crowds of people, still hidden by the darkness of the forest, it's dark considering it's 11:29 pm. The kids are long asleep so it's just teens and adults outside. I continue looking until my eyes land on the person I'm here for.

Cameron is standing there laughing surrounded by his friends. Among his friends is Jason which makes me smile. What shocks me is that Evan and Sean are apart of his group. I lean up against a nearby tree an watch the party for a few minutes. I see Cameron looking around every minute or so and I also notice Jason is doing the same. I smile slightly, Cameron must have told him that I might come back on his birthday.

I walk hidden in the trees towards my brothers and stand in the dark so I can see them but they can't see me. I start to hum the song our mom used to sing to us when we were little. Jason's head snaps to attention and not a second later so does Cameron's.

I know you are like, "So what? It's a lullaby that tons of moms sing to their kids." Actually our mom wrote this song for us herself so that's why it's so important to us.

I stop humming when Cameron and Jason look at each other. I chuckle softly and walk out of the shadows. Their eyes snap from each other to me and they stand there in shock. I smirk, "Miss me?" I ask. "Jay!" They yell and run to me before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Can't breathe guys." I wheeze out and they let go. I breathe in deeply, "Okay, first rule is NO more doing that." I tell them sternly but then smile at my brothers. The are both smiling at me brightly and Cameron hugs me again, "Best birthday gift so far." He laughs and I feel Jason join our hug and I smile to myself.

We pull apart from the hug and Cam and Jace both stand back and cross their arms with stern looks on their faces, "Uh oh." I mumble. "You got some explaining to do young lady." Jason says and Cam nods in agreement. "Not tonight. Tonight is Cameron's night which is the reason I came back in the first place. By the way, Happy 18th little brother." I say and Cameron nods and smiles. Jason sighs and nods his head too.

For the next hour I catch up with my brothers and chill with their friends. Sean and Evan have been given me glances and whispering to each other, I roll my eyes knowing the reason behind their behavior...Ryder.

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