Something Not Right

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*** There is a Divergent (book series) spoiler in this chapter. If this affects you, read at will. ***

Jade's POV

"For the love of God Krista! If you think that blue and white hydrangeas and white roses with twigs to add some dimension will look good as the bouquet then fine!" I give in. Krista gives me a cheeky smile, "I knew you would agree." I roll my eyes and let my head fall down on my crossed arms.

"Why does this have to be so difficult?" I whine. "Oh it isn't, we just have to prepare for you to become the wife of your mate. Oh and also to become the next Queen of all werewolves. We have to make sure the that at least ever Alpha and Luna attend the Coronation as well as make sure that everyone you want at your wedding is invited. Oh by the way who are the other bridesmaids? I know I'm your maid of honor, but is it just going to be me or do you have anyone else in mind? Ryder already has Evan as his best man and Sean is a groomsman. So I think that the best thing is for you to find one more bridesmaid. So, you know, Sean doesn't walk down the aisle alone."

I stare blankly at her, how she rambles on so quickly is beyond me. She opens her mouth again to go on but I place my hand down on hers. "Krista, honey, maybe we should take a break. We've been at this for two hours and the babies are a bit restless. So I'm going to go take a walk and then we can pick this back up in a little while." Krista sighs, "Okay but only for a little while, there are still so many more things to do. And for my future niece and nephew." I give her a small smile and stand with the support of the chair.

How am I already 3 and a half months pregnant? This has gone by too fast, I have barely any time to wrap my head around everything. I waddle, yes waddle, away from my office. How can someone get so fricking big in such a small span of time? Like honestly, Jupiter is probably jealous of the size of my stomach.

I eventually make it to the backyard of the Castle, which is occupied as always. I carefully walk down the steps and I hear a voice call out my name. I smile as Tyler takes my hand and helps me down the rest of the stairs. "Thanks, Tyler."  He smiles up at me, "You're welcome Luna."

"How have you been sweetie?" I ask, smiling and waving at the other pack members who notice me. "Good. The orphanage is fun, but I really like going to the library. I really enjoyed the books you gave me too. I can't believe Tris died at the end! Like what? They just left Four there heartbroken! They were supposed to get married and have little badass children of their own!" He rants.

"Tyler, language." I scold. "Sorry Luna, but you know what I mean." I chuckle, "Yeah I do. It was insane that she died, but it was also a heck of an ending to an amazing series. Now that no one can disagree with." Tyler nods,  "Very true."

"Tyler! Come play with us!" Called a young voice. I look over at the sound. Maxon, sadly another orphan, says surrounded my other children and holding a soccer ball. "Be right there. " He tells Maxon. "I'll see you later Luna." he says and runs off.

I smile as they run off, trying to kick the ball away from one another. I make my way over to a group of pack members, they were all surrounding Patrick, an off-duty patrol officer. Patrick had a guitar in his lap and was playing When We Were Young while his wife, Alisia, sang the words. There were pack members of all ages listening to them. I sat down on an empty bench and smile as she sings softly. My hand lays gently on my belly, my fingers tapping along to the melody.

Alisia catches my eye and smiles at me. The rest of the members notice and look over to me. Most adults smile or wave, but a few of the younger children move over to sit around me. Then a familiar little brown haired boy with bright green eyes stumbles over to me. I reach down and sit him down on my lap. "Well hello there Brayden." I say to him and poke his stomach. Brayden giggles, "Hi Luna." He greets, for a one-year-old, he is quite smart. I hold him still as Alisa and Patrick finish. I grab Brayden's hands and clap them together along with everyone else.

"Brayden? Oh honey, there you are." Cassie walks out of the crowd of people towards me. I hold up Brayden as she places him on her hip. "Sorry for the trouble Jade." I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively. "Oh no, it's no trouble at all. If anything, it's good practice." I tell her with a small chuckle and pat my oversized belly.

She nods, "So how are you feeling?" She asks with a sympathetic smile. Brayden reaches up and plays with the necklace Cassie's wearing. "Well I'm constantly uncomfortable, my children think my bladder is a soccer ball, and I can't bend over to tie my own shoe. So you know, all in all...pretty good." Cassie laughs, "Oh just you wait until it's time to push those suckers out. You are going to wish your bladder was a kickball again." she tells me.  I roll my eyes, "Like I wasn't looking forward to it already." I mumble sarcastically.

We both laugh together and Old Spice flows into my nose. I raise my eyes and scan the crowds. I see Ryder talking to one of his friends and his eyes catch mine. I smile and raise my hand to send him a quick wave but stop short.

The wind was knocked out of my lungs and this searing pain went through my chest. I place my hand on my stomach. My babies. Are my babies okay? Tears spring to my eyes and I feel like I am having a hard time breathing. What the hell is happening?

"Oh my God, Jade are you alright?" Cassie asks me. I shake my head and I feel nauseous. I hand is placed on my stomach and on my back. "What's happening?" Ryder questions. "Something's not okay." "I have the pack doctor on the way. Just hang on Jade." Ryder tells me and smooths down my hair.

Mutters and mumbles surround us, concern and confusion mixed with the voices. "No time." I breathe out. "Babies, there's something wrong." Then it all goes dark.

Thanks for reading this chapter. It's shorter than the others and just ehhhhh.

Tell me what you think.

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Love ya guys.

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